Nor yet do all doctors work in hospitals, or in cities where moonlighting is possible.
There on the table, neither frozen nor yet moving, Lane Dean, Jr.
Mr Aznar has none of his predecessor's tactical virtuosity, nor yet his rough-and-ready way with words, nor his youthful bonhomie, even though, at 56, Mr Gonzalez is 11 years the older.
His handling so far of the tricky welfare-reform issue has been assured, provoking neither indignation among Labour backbenchers nor yet the hostility of a Treasury reluctant to pay for expensive programmes to propel benefit claimants into work.
Nor yet is it true that the whole thing is really a plot to sell Monsanto's Roundup herbicides, by hooking the farmer on crops modified so they can be safely sprayed with Roundup, but with nothing else.
Not a nasty, dirty, wet hole, filled with the ends of worms and an oozy smell, nor yet a dry, bare, sandy hole with nothing in it to sit down on or to eat: it was a hobbit-hole, and that means comfort.
Yet nor is it clear that even Mr Meshal has any control over events.
Nor is there yet a Franco-German agreement on how to take the EU forward after Lisbon.
Neither that veiled hint of possible layoffs nor word of yet another committee could have been welcome.
No word on battery size nor battery life yet, but our guess is that neither should disappoint.
ENGADGET: Little Chilli LA-M1 outshines other QRD-based quad-core budget phones, we go hands-on
Santiago-Serrano has no lawyer yet nor a scheduled court date appearance, according to the Broward County clerk of courts.
If I understand correctly The Petition that McCourts Attorneys have put before the Court has not been accepted yet nor Declined.
Nor is there yet any reform of the patent system, which imposes long delays on innovators, inventors and entrepreneurs seeking approvals.
WSJ: Zuckerman: The Great Recession Has Been Followed by the Grand Illusion
Nor, as yet, have attempts to get rid of weapons in former conflict zones by amnesties or buy-backs had much success.
Firm X pays Y million dollars to settle, does not admit nor deny guilt yet promises to never break the rules again.
Nor have we yet achieved the balanced global growth that we need.
Nor has anyone yet managed to match the quality of print using type on a liquid-crystal screen of the sort found on laptop computers.
Nor has anyone yet broached the question of who might pay for upgrading the North's track to take the mountain of exports that the South hopes to send via North Korea, China and the trans-Siberian railway on to Europe.
Nor is he yet a great philanthropist: his pledge to leave 10% of his estate to charity pales beside the promise to give away most of their wealth made by signatories of the Giving Pledge for American billionaires launched by Bill Gates and Warren Buffett.
But neither the economy nor the markets may yet be bad enough for that.
Neither the rebels nor the government has yet found enough common ground to start useful talks.
Not every new toy has even been released yet, nor have I been able to play each one.
Nor has the country yet given foreign investors (with their expertise and their money) access to its natural resources.
There is no ready answer yet, nor any particular urgency about finding one.
David Ricardo published in 1817 but it seems that no one in Oslo has got around to reading him yet, nor Adam Smith from 1776.
Nor had the world yet discovered how to measure in a simple and practical way whether and to what extent they were adding value to, and delighting, their customers.
At this point, Apple has the upper hand in both the device and applications arena, but Google is not done yet, nor is it done pushing network operators into submission.