In normal good health, some bad bacteria that cause disease are crowded out by good bacteria.
Unless the government has taken the view that living in Texas is a normal good and California is a luxury good.
"A return to normal is good news, " said Kate Warne, investment strategist with Edward Jones.
As I pointed out above, for some (although not all) economic variables the new normal offers a good description of the current state of play.
Voice quality in normal use was good.
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Before you can be good under pressure you have to be good under normal conditions.
It's a shame in a way because primary narcissism, as Freud called the infant variety, is normal, healthy and good.
For most, but not all, maintenance of a normal weight and a good diet will prevent development of type 2 diabetes.
CNN: What's the difference between type 1 and type 2 diabetes?
But normal is not always good.
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The Environment Agency said 80% of river flows were now above normal or higher, with reservoirs showing a good recovery and just 11 groundwater sites below normal water levels - and two "exceptionally low".
To make a long story short I achieved the best possible clinical outcome within the optimal timeframe to give me a normal lifespan, living a good life and in good health.
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Based on a clever novel by Gregory Maguire, the musical is an exercise in high camp a universe turned topsy-turvy, where good is bad, normal is abnormal, and the purest well yields the sourest water.
Even as the coalition sharpened its axe to take a swipe at spending and borrowing, the idea was to endure a few years of pain before normal play was resumed, in good time for the 2015 election, when voters could get back to the traditional task of deciding which party's goody bag was the most appealing.
"Normal" refers to a range of functioning, and a good case can often be made that those at the lower end of the "normal" range have a disability.
And if Reeva was happy, everything was OK... and everything was good, then everything was normal.
It not only feels normal to have Mr Bloomberg as mayor, but also normal to think that he is rather good at it.
The research team, which also includes the university's department of chemistry and scientists at the University of the West of England, is growing each of the algae from the Roman Baths over a range of temperatures and comparing them to "control" algae known for being good for producing biodiesel at normal temperatures.
Later testing proved that I was normal, only too imaginative for my own good.
If the corn crop sees normal weather, then yields can still be good.
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It appears to condemn parents who take youngsters trick-or-treating, saying it is a time when normal law-abiding people damage their "good neighbours" property and in some cases "bring on fear".
If not for his death by propofol, Jackson's health appeared good enough for him to live a normal lifespan, Rogers testified.
With respect to the conversation that took place between Prime Minister Netanyahu and Prime Minister Erdogan, I have long said that it is in both the interest of Israel and Turkey to restore normal relations between two countries that have historically had good ties.
"I believe that if a man has a normal and happy family, his working efficiency is always good, " he says.
Ryan Giggs missed a good chance to win the game for United in normal time.
He argues that China's inclusion in the WTO, and hence permanent normal trade relations with the U.S., is good for both sides because trade disputes can be resolved through an impartial dispute settlement mechanism.
There were a couple of days leading up to the big game that were less than productive when measured against the normal work week, but everyone in the office had a good time, we were able to let our hair down and enjoy a little camaraderie as friends.
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For history tells us that the American Revolution was a radical departure from the normal state of affairs in which those in power determined the common good, and individual liberty by necessity had to yield to the needs of society.
"As things unfold we will know more about what is being put in place by the IPL, but having been back to India before Christmas the security we had felt pretty good and at this stage I'm continuing as normal, " he added.
"It's good for them sometimes just to try to pretend everything is normal, " he said.
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He added that with one good eye, Aaron would be able to lead a perfectly normal life.