Tell yourself that this is a normal reaction and it will go away shortly.
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The normal reaction would be to try to match-up the colors, hide the joints or otherwise mask the problem.
This is not a medical disease but rather it is a normal reaction to abnormal personal or social circumstances.
Kirschman defines trauma as a normal reaction to an abnormal event, an emotional reaction that can lead to depression and suicidal thoughts.
"We're very confident that what is happening is a normal reaction to a market system, " Edward Murphy, a senior manager for the American Petroleum Institute, told CNN on Friday.
CNN: Gore calls for antitrust investigation into high gasoline prices - June 19, 2000, 2000
"I can testify to the fact that it was a lot harder to turn the other cheek and refuse to fight back than it would have been to exercise a normal reaction, " Robinson wrote.
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When others strongly disagree, a stare down is a perfectly normal human reaction.
Remind yourself that the physical reaction is normal, and take deep breaths, counting up and down from four.
Tran Do's reaction is normal because he is really a person who loves the country and fought in the past for the country.
Reaction wood has a different cellular characteristic to normal wood and is formed when branches or stems have been disturbed and the tree attempts to return to its original position.
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Even if the reaction is not severe, Benadryl will help with normal symptoms of insect stings, Capes said.
Another theory is that the initial illness may have created an autoimmune reaction, causing the body's immune system to attack normal cells as if they were foreign substances.
Iver parish councillor Alan Oxley said he had not had a chance to look at the detail yet but his immediate reaction was that as it was a development in the green belt, the "normal presumption" was to be against it, unless it proved to be in the public interest.
The reaction Mr Lerner proposes would break up boron atoms by hitting them with protons (the nuclei of normal hydrogen atoms).