Every child was able to go to music lessons after normal school and this was not so expensive.
Lucke is also overseeing drug and medical-equipment imports and Unicef's efforts to provide a somewhat normal school year for Iraqi kids.
The county council said the move was a precaution and added "normal school menus" were likely to return after next week's half-term break.
The prince never attended normal school his classrooms were created for him and staffed by august tutors, many of whom had no experience of teaching schoolchildren.
Still, he attends a normal school, even if he has to leave the class whenever the others are watching a videotape (TV being a device of the devil).
The company started in the temperature-controls business in 1885, two years after its founder, Warren S. Johnson, a professor at the State Normal School in Whitewater, Wisconsin, received a patent for the electric room thermostat.
"This day would resemble a normal school day: same bus routes and times, same school beginning and end times, regular instructional day with the same staff, and breakfast and lunch offerings, " the school's principal, Suzanne Kennedy, wrote.
There is evidence this is happening in several places--from helping small, rural or low-wealth schools where specialized courses would not otherwise be available to serving students who need special tutoring, or for whom attending the normal school day is not an option.
Most of the rest are shunted off into special schools for the mentally disabled or else drop out of normal school before they are 15 years old, many of them defeated by bullying and homework that is hard to finish in cold and unlit homes.
Even more targeted is the Fund for Public Schools, where you can help efforts to resume normal public school activities in the city.
Sex Devil starts out as a normal high school student.
NPR: Excerpt: 'The Mysterious Secret of the Valuable Treasure'
Instead, he said, inspectors wanted to see "teaching which is part of the normal pattern of school life and which gives youngsters the chance to progress".
He said that while the committee accepted that substitute cover was a normal part of school management, initiatives were needed to release money for other pressing education needs.
Asked by his barrister Marian Lewis why he had given her chocolates, Mr Thorley said it was normal for the school to give a small present to a child who had been injured.
"I look at Roger as a soldier with a pen when he sat on a high perch and gave a commentary and opinion that depicted us as human, that showed us as normal in 'School Daze, ' " Jackson said.
CNN: Roger Ebert gets final 'thumbs up' from family, friends
Old friends say that Mr. Loughner began high school a normal kid who excelled at the saxophone.
WSJ: Loughner's Prior Behavior Pointed to Signs of Imbalance
It seems likely that game-based learning will no longer be a novelty, but rather a normal part of the school experience in the coming decade.
More than anything, Corey wants to get the right treatment, go back to school and be normal again.
"Elephant, " which won two awards at the Cannes Film Festival in 2003, dramatized a normal day at a high school that is about to become the scene of a planned mass slaughter by a pair of friends.
If Guan follows Tiger Woods's blueprint for success, he will stay close to home for the next few years, attend school and do the normal things teenagers do, while continuing to win tournaments and dominate at age-appropriate levels.
WSJ: Tianlang Guan and the Sport That Eats Its Young | Golf Journal by John Paul Newport
Many parents argue that medicine helps their child to function at school and enjoy a more normal life.
ECONOMIST: Parents of hyperactive children face a dreadful dilemma
Testing should be done outside of normal instruction so that each teacher, school, and student can be fairly measured.
She was an exchange student for a year in Norway, which is why she finished secondary school one year later than normal.
CNN: Born in the east, young Germans still forced to head west
Clarifies that parental consent is not necessary for pupils to take part in the majority of off-site activities organised by a school, as most of these activities take place during school hours and are a normal part of a child's education.
He added that education at the school could now "get back to normal".
The head teacher of St Anne's School in Alderney said it would open as normal as long as pupils could travel safely.
Concerned about the social and educational ramifications of extracting him from a "normal" setting, she moved him back to public school--after much ado and against adviser recommendations.
It says doctors often graduate from medical school "without a clear idea of the normal anatomy of a woman's genitalia, still less the complex physical and psychological consequences that may result from sexual assault".
BBC: News | Health | Worldwide move to stamp out violence against women