Suddenly, they are in her apartment, and the veneer of normality is soon losing its glow.
These restore a sense of normality despite the difficulties of daily life in the camps.
But despite the enormous pressures, there are still occasional hints of normality to be found here.
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Any normality will be as flimsy as the new headquarters now hastily being put up.
From Grand Kru to Lofa County from Nimba to Grand Bassa normality of sorts has returned.
But the authorities are trying their best to give the outside world an impression of normality.
If so, the next census in 2021 could show the beginnings of a shift towards normality.
Plainly there is no light yet at the end of Mr Allawi's tunnel to normality.
One of the biggest pay-offs from financial normality will come in property and construction.
This has improved both the quality of life and the sense of normality of dialysis patients.
So it's possible that Thatcher fell within the range of normality rather than the 1%, Horne argues.
Down the road is the leafy town of Waco, population 100, 000, a place of cheering American normality.
Our most successful agencies have depended on some kind of stability and normality in the budget process.
People flocked to shopping malls, plazas and restaurants, and life on the street regained a sense of normality.
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Coalition leaders have tried to appoint local officials and councils quickly, to speed up the return to normality.
This tension might be manageable if a swift return to normality were plausible.
The main objective for both sides during Mr Stepashin's visit was to project at least the appearance of normality.
But with Mr Paksas removed, the business of politics returned to grubby normality.
And in terms of normality and so on, when will normality return?
But I've got quite high hopes that in early January we're going to see a very, a lot of normality across the network.
Cultural heritage is a reference full of values helping to restore a sense of normality and enabling people to move forward.
Mr Brown said public sector workers earning an "over-generous" salary would be "named and shamed", as many had "lost touch" with normality.
As the conflict drags on, and despite the increasing normality on the streets, most families find themselves stuck at home all day.
On the eastern bank of the Tigris, a semblance of normality persisted.
The date he cites as a step toward normalization, 1994, marks the moment when I decided that all talk of normality was ingenuous.
They have taken their medicine and, consequentially, bond yields have fallen from double figures back to normality over the last month or two.
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Money and investment are urgently needed in Iraq, where despite continuing security concerns, daily life is starting to return to some form of normality.
Curious, ebullient and ever the optimist, Mr Cohen liked to reach out to damaged children and draw them back into the fold of normality.
"BA should now contact customers as soon as possible to confirm flights will be going ahead and normality has returned to the market, " he added.