• China Daily rebukes North Korea for holding nuclear and missile tests, but reminds the US, South Korea and Japan to "refrain from any provocative move that may invite a desperate response from Pyongyang".

    BBC: China media: Debate on North Korea

  • Shi Yuanhua, Koreas expert at Fudan University in Shanghai, tells China Daily that North Korea's threat to cancel the armistice is in protest against ongoing US-South Korean military drills using more powerful weapons and to "prompt Washington back to the negotiating table".

    BBC: China media: Wen's mixed legacy

  • Any sanctions imposed would doubtless lose meaning as the morning trains began their daily shipment of goods and fuel across the border from China into North Korea.

    CNN: A Cold War response to North Korea's latest challenge

  • At the weekend, People's Daily reporter Ding Gang told North Korea that the international community, including China, was "unanimous" in backing the latest UN resolution denouncing North Korea's nuclear programme, despite the resolution's lack of teeth.

    BBC: China round-up: Anti-corruption drive

  • China Daily, however, says Chinese travel agents are taking the initiative to suspend tours to North Korea and no notice to halt tourism has been received.

    BBC: China media: Debate on North Korea

  • Japanese foreign ministry official Shinsuke Sugiyama is expected to discuss territorial disputes and North Korea's recent nuclear test during his three-day visit to Beijing that started yesterday, China Daily reports.

    BBC: China media: Hacking denial

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