That being said, it is one of the more dependable, consistent breaks on the North Shore.
The North Shore on the Pacific Ocean is surrounded by parks and is popular with families.
On the river's north shore is the city of Cambridge, where this bike tour begins.
Together, they started the business in 2002 in the former North Shore plantation town of Haleiwa.
New Zealand justice officials said papers were filed Friday in Auckland's North Shore District Court.
The study's lead author, Jonathan Sackner-Bernstein of North Shore University Hospital in Manhassett, N.
Carrickfergus is on the north shore of Belfast Lough, about 10 miles from Belfast.
While it dominates Long Island, North Shore recently bought Lenox Hill Hospital in Manhattan.
Study co-author Jonathan Sackner-Bernstein, director of the clinical research at North Shore University Hospital in Manhasset, N.
Davis described as "wonderful" the FEMA employees assigned to his parish along the north shore of Lake Pontchartrain.
Drive up the Windward Coast to the North Shore for surfing, stand-up paddle boarding and windy walks out to Kaena Point.
Victor Klein, an OB-GYN with North Shore-LIJ Health System in Great Neck, N.
WSJ: More Doctors Broach Subject of Women's Age and Fertility
He owns an aircraft charter company and the Fox Harb'r golf resort on the north shore of Nova Scotia.
Paia, Maui's North Shore surfer outpost, is the refreshing antithesis of the sprawling resorts on the island's south side.
David Bernstein, chief of hepatology at North Shore University Hospital in Manhasset, N.
North Shore Chief Executive Michael Dowling hopes that the move will cement market share by breeding loyalty among doctors.
Some smaller community hospitals already have stabilized their finances by affiliating with large networks, such as North Shore-LIJ Health System.
That's about what it's like trying to control a kitesurfing kite in the gusty trade winds off Maui's North Shore.
Dr. JoAnne Gottridge, who runs North Shore's internal-medicine practice in Great Neck, says that the biggest change is in work flow.
The team generated lots of interviews through a connection a team member has to learning centers on the suburban Chicago north shore.
FORBES: Getting The Most Out Of 'Getting Out Of The Building'
On the north shore stand mounds of charred lumber -- 30 feet high in places -- from the Great Fire in 1871.
Packer's unease springs from the work of Jonathan Sackner-Bernstein , a heart failure expert at North Shore University Hospital in Manhasset, N.
One group that doesn't have a choice when it comes to going digital are the 1, 500 doctors whom North Shore employs directly.
North Shore-LIJ Health System recently began using a software package from GE with the aim of reducing radiation doses as much as 65%.
"We're beginning to use the word cure with these therapies, " says David Bernstein , director of hepatology at North Shore University Hospital in Manhassett, N.
But in August he became one of the first primary care doctors affiliated with North Shore-Long Island Jewish Health System to adopt computerized medical records.
For that, I recommend the nearby north shore town of Truckee.
The evening started with anticipation as revelers gathered along Long Island's north shore to watch the annual fireworks sponsored by the Dolan family, which owns Cablevision.
It is best to follow a child's lead when answering questions, says Victor Fornari, a child psychiatrist at North Shore-LIJ Health System in New Hyde Park, N.