Over the years the Northern Alliance has been helped by both Russia and India amongst others.
We still face that danger with Northern Alliance and different groups in the alliance.
The Northern Alliance may be trying to do the same in Pushtun-dominated areas of the country.
The rebel Northern Alliance in Afghanistan say the US strikes have crippled the Taleban's fighting ability.
Still others suspect that Mr Qadir was the subject of a power struggle within the Northern Alliance.
Northern Alliance soldiers coming out of the compound Monday said they have lost between 100 and 150 fighters.
Elements of the Northern Alliance held power from 1992 to 1996, when the Taliban drove them from power.
One senior Northern Alliance official told Reuters that troops from other countries were not welcomed on Afghan soil.
Northern Alliance forces face a tough challenge should they attempt to advance on Mazar-e Sharif from the south.
Mr Karzai then accused members of the Northern Alliance of killing him, but no arrest has been made.
Abdullah said he was satisfied with the level of coordination between the Northern Alliance and the United States forces.
But there was opposition to the British troops presence from the Northern Alliance.
People have been asking why the Northern Alliance hasn't been successful to date.
Although a Pashtun, he had been a member in the Tajik-dominated Northern Alliance.
This is not a high-tech conflict and certainly part of the Northern Alliance effort has been conducted on horseback.
BBC: News | BREAKFAST WITH FROST | Defence Secretary Geoff Hoon
How the Northern Alliance handles that is hard to say, but they don't want to turn the people against them.
White House spokesman Ari Fleischer urged the Northern Alliance to respect human rights and efforts to establish a governing coalition.
Both these measures will, by the same token, damage Mr Karzai's relations with the Northern Alliance's warlords, who are mainly Tajiks and Uzbeks.
ECONOMIST: The face of the new Afghanistan starts to take shape
The United States was trying to get more weapons, ammunition, food, blankets and other supplies to the Northern Alliance, Rumsfeld said.
More U.S. special operations troops were on their way into Afghanistan to help coordinate U.S. and Northern Alliance strikes, he said.
The Northern Alliance and the king's factions have agreed, however, on a transitional council that would set up an interim government.
Referring to the anti-Taliban Northern Alliance, he warned against outside forces responding favorably to requests from Afghan groups for military assistance.
Mr. BERNTSEN: An Afghan warlord, not a member of the Northern Alliance.
If they're on the Northern Alliance side of the lines, they'll be taken into account, just like the Northern Alliance allies are.
Northern Alliance forces said Monday they lost between 100 and 150 fighters.
The U.S. does not recognize the Northern Alliance in any official relations although the group holds Afghanistan's seat at the United Nations.
Northern Alliance leaders said they have captured the town of Kisindeh, placing opposition troops just 12 miles (20 kilometers) south of Mazar-e Sharif.
U.S. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld would not comment on the Northern Alliance's claims Tuesday, and cautioned against measuring the campaign's progress too simply.
Only Mr Rabbani, an icon of the Northern Alliance, stayed inside Mr Karzai's tent, with a thuggish vice-president, Mohammad Qasim Fahim, another Tajik.
After intense haggling over posts, the Northern Alliance controls more than half of the ministries, including the powerful defence, foreign and interior portfolios.