Concern centers on the northernmost reaches of the Dallas North Tollway, north of Interstate 635.
Shiretoko Peninsula is located in the north-east of Hokkaido, the northernmost island of Japan.
The northernmost city in the Caribbean has been the subject of fascination for centuries with good reason.
Here, at the northernmost tip of the island, the vines grow thick, branches bent double with grapes ready for harvest.
Time and again she describes walking out onto the barren ice and rocks that surround the northernmost settlements.
The next day, pedal a further 16 miles along country roads to bohemian Provincetown at the northernmost tip of Cape Cod.
No kidding: temperatures in the northernmost region of the United States stay well above freezing in the summer months.
CNN: ASIANOW - TIME Asia | Travel Watch | Open the Door to Cool Summer a Escape
The tundra of Norway's northernmost province, Finnmark, may conceal huge mineral deposits.
The northernmost Geopark of the network, not far from the Arctic Circle, is a unique combination of northern hemisphere geology, nature and culture.
It was founded around 271 AD when the Romans withdrew from this region that was then the northernmost part of its declining empire.
Meanwhile, the two Black Hawks were quickly approaching Abbottabad from the northwest, hiding behind the mountains on the northernmost edge of the city.
To go from the northernmost tip of the Japanese archipelago to its farthest-flung southern rock is to travel from Norway's North Cape to Rome.
"De Ushuaia a la Quiaca" is the result of a Santaolalla road trip from the northernmost tip of his native Argentina to the southernmost town.
As the days lengthen with the approach of spring, the northernmost reaches of Scandinavia are about to witness the annual migration of huge herds of reindeer.
Barrow, Alaska, is the northernmost community in the United States.
Estonia, the northernmost of the three, has become almost Nordic.
Start your river-led adventure at the city's best kept secret, the turbe, or tomb, of Gul Baba, a 16th Century dervish and the northernmost place of pilgrimage for devout Moslems.
It has a research station in the Svalbard archipelago, the northernmost part of Norway, and is building a sister ship to the Xue Long, to go into service in 2014.
Japan's foreign ministry said two Russian Su-27s violated airspace for just over a minute Thursday near its northernmost main island of Hokkaido, and that Japan then scrambled four F-2 fighter jets.
The natural phenomenon can be seen in the northernmost regions of the world, including Norway, Iceland, Greenland and Alaska, and is the result of electrically charged particles colliding in the Earth's atmosphere.
Though he was enrolled at The Bronx High School of Science, a prestigious New York City public school, attending the school required him to make the long commute to the city's northernmost borough every day.
Women who lived in northernmost states at age 30 were twice as likely to develop Crohn's, and 60% more likely to develop ulcerative colitis, than women who lived in the southernmost states at that age.
WSJ: The Research Report: Slapping On a Skin Patch to Combat Hay Fever
For something completely different, head up to the northernmost tip of the state, not far from the backpacker haven of Arambol, for a stay at Fort Tiracol, a 17th-century Portuguese fort teetering on the cliffs of the Indian Ocean.
But this northernmost German state came back into the news when Thilo Weichert, the state's privacy commissioner, raised an issue of such complexity that it will make the first Schleswig-Holstein question look like a dot-to-dot coloring book in comparison.
And when the militants last week advanced towards Konna, the northernmost outpost of government control, it seemed reasonable to speculate that the group's wily leader Iyad Ag Ghaly was merely stepping up the pressure in hope of securing extra concessions.
We were walking on the recently created Abraham Path, Turkey's newest trekking route and the northernmost section of an ambitious vision begun in 2008 to create a long-distance trail through the Middle East based on the journey of the Prophet Abraham.