By mid-February all the stores were ashore, and on 28 February the Nimrod set sail northwards.
As the frozen tundra retreats northwards, large areas of the Arctic will become suitable for agriculture.
Brazilians, once described as clinging to the coast like crabs, have scurried westwards and northwards.
By moving northwards into the Amazon basin, soya farmers are also driving ranchers deeper into the rainforest.
Instead, they have a modest link northwards into the greater European market thanks to a few pipelines through the Pyrenees.
French troops have been pushing northwards and are now in the town of Niono, 50km (30 miles) south of Diabaly.
Not only are poles and peaks melting, diseases -- including malaria, dengue fever and Lyme disease -- are moving northwards.
The preferred route of phase two running northwards from Birmingham will have stops at: Manchester, Manchester Airport, Toton, Sheffield and Leeds.
The pull-out was ordered despite reports that the rebels were retreating northwards from the capital, Bangui, with the army in pursuit.
In the Danish expedition that set sail this week, the Swedish ice-breaker is being led northwards by a larger Russian one, the 50 Years of Victory.
The preferred route of phase two running northwards from Birmingham would go to a new station on the south bank of the River Aire in Leeds.
Believing that the ground below the twin towers is as sacred as the space above, some even say that the new transport hub must be moved northwards.
And though Japan's government is urging Russia to take a more expensive route northwards and to Nakhodka, Russia's closest big port to Japan, this would run similar risks.
ECONOMIST: Russia's natural jewel is at the mercy of oil money
The preferred route of phase two running northwards from Birmingham will go to the new station on the south bank of the River Aire in the city centre.
The report also says that the composition of the world's forests is likely to change because some tree species will not be able to move northwards (or to higher altitudes) to escape the encroaching warmth.
Not surprisingly, most promptly disappear, usually northwards.
This argues that Scots is the most flourishing example of a variety of English, which can be traced back to Northumbria (just south of the Scottish border) and which was commonly spoken from Yorkshire northwards by the 15th century.
That in area (a) the Baghdad railway shall not be extended southwards beyond Mosul, and in area (b) northwards beyond Samarra, until a railway connecting Baghdad and Aleppo via the Euphrates valley has been completed, and then only with the concurrence of the two governments.