It was just a little bit of emotion, a little bit trying too hard, a little bit of trying not to let it bother us.
Its chairman, the Conservative MP James Arbuthnot, described it as a "bit of a shambles" and said it was "not the way the MoD should be making decisions".
According to Mr Griffiths, it is "not a very adventurous bird and it's a bit of an evolutionary loser".
Now a grocery story is getting in on the act, and not just because it wants to inject its aisles with a bit of glamour--it makes cold, hard business sense.
Everyone has done so many laps round this circuit and it's not particularly inspiring as it is a bit of a concrete jungle.
That being the case, it was still found that 15% of those surveyed on the topic would actually enjoy watching recorded TV shows later on their phone, suggesting that a little bit of choice when it comes to content may not be a bad idea.
ENGADGET: Research finds mobile TV as unseductive as ever, though VOD seems interesting
While this situation is not unexpected, it has cast a bit of a bearish pall over most of the market place early this week.
While this situation is not unexpected, it has cast a bit of a pall over the entire market place as the trading week gets under way.
"It is a bit of a reach for Nvidia as it does not typically involve itself much with the end-user, " said Josh Walrath from the PC Perspective tech site.
They were in touch with an orphanage in Haiti, and, Michel, just kind of to nuance that introduction a little bit, it was not our purpose to try to adopt children out of Haiti.
And it's not really history, but it's just really giving them a bit of information of the joys and why it's so cool to be an African.
It's not a bit of tantruming or getting into trouble now and then.
"Once you start taking questions on the street and people start seeing if you're genuine or not, it can make quite a bit of difference, " said E.
The real Van Praag likes to call members of the financial press stupid, so it might not come as a surprise that he brought a bit of this onto himself.
"You'll get a bit of the rally, but not all, if it goes up, " he says.
They're also unanimous in saying that because of his position as an officer in a student organization, it would be not the least bit surprising that he would be in and out of the embassy, that he would be there being visible, although curiously enough, none of them remember seeing him there.
Obviously there was -- this is a little bit more unique because it is in 5, 000 feet of water, not in several hundred or a hundred feet of water.
So although we may all be fed up with the economy's torpor, and would be keen for a bit of renewed growth, it is not clear that any growth sparked by a new housing-linked consumer boom would be altogether healthy.
We all look for good news but it should not prevent us from doing a bit of due diligence.
Some people do make antibodies that neutralise a lot of HIV virus, bit it is not of use to them as they produce it way too late.
It actually rather starts with Poo Boots, the slightly frumpy and annoyed moments or days where you're a bit out of sorts but it's not the end of you.
Not quite 1080p, and not quite digital perfection, but it should win you a good bit of love and recognition in the BitTorrent community be plenty good for most "backup" purposes.
ENGADGET: How to "backup" HD DVD movies with your Xbox 360 and a PC
It made, alas, not a blind bit of difference.
FORBES: Why Nick Kristof's Scientific Illiteracy Threatens Us All
It's a bit difficult to master, but we find it's more efficient if you put a little bit of your fingernail into it -- not too much, of course, you don't want to scratch your precious reader.
ENGADGET: Sony Reader PRS-T2 review: same old e-reader, new and (mostly) improved design
Not even the men of the law, it seems, can resist a bit of Songkran high jinks.
"As extraordinary as that number is, it does not surprise me a bit, " Bennett said of Durant's pledge.
If Bitcoin replaced credit cards, it would not actually be a currency bit just another form of credit.
People can argue over the respective virtues of making across-the-board cuts or targeting particular departments (they usually do a bit of both), but managerially speaking it is not a tough ask.