My suggestions are not a panacea, but they are a step in the right direction.
It is that currency boards are not a panacea, nor do they necessarily force countries to reform.
Monetary policy is not a panacea, as even Ben Bernanke admitted.
Although this is not a panacea for the ills of the investment industry, it will significantly contribute to eliminating or reducing many of them.
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James A. Dorn, a monetary policy analyst at the Cato Institute, explains why money printing is not a panacea for the ailing U.S. economy.
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However, YouTube is not a panacea for all online video conundrums.
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Even the World Bank believes cash transfers are not a panacea.
Printing money is not a panacea for the ailing U.S. economy.
FORBES: The Federal Reserve's Flawed Approach To Monetary Policy
But exchanges are not a panacea and, frankly, can do more harm than good by accelerating the number of underinsured without also protecting the consumers from literally gambling with their health.
Cloud storage on third party sites, he contends, is not a panacea: in addition to the hacker threat, he sees potential legal issues if your hosting site happens to go out of business.
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But the Social Research Unit charity said the programme was not a "panacea".
In any event, they stress, Arrow is seen not as a panacea, but as part of a wide array of strategies, including deterrence, civil and counter-strikes.
Defined contribution may not be a panacea for America's spiralling health costs, but the new approach could be a useful step towards transferring more of the burden away from hard-pressed employers.
This solution would not be a panacea, of course.
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"This is not going to be a panacea, " said Kal Raustiala, a law professor at the University of California, Los Angeles, and the co-author of "The Knockoff Economy, " a recent book on intellectual property.
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Media should not make it seem like a panacea for pancreatic cancer!
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He fell out with Freud and alienated his peers by insisting not only that orgasms were a panacea, but also that psychoanalysis should be a tool for social change.
Certainly experience from abroad does not suggest that state funding is a panacea: the German constitutional court, fearing that parties were becoming over-dependent on public funds, ruled in 1992 that state funding for politics should be reduced.
Prison, in the case of Gupta, would not be a remedy, it would simply add to the misconception that prison is the panacea for all criminal cases.
It is not some panacea that just makes the brain work better overall, but it helps boost a learner's effort.