Also unsettling was the fact that he had no ADT logo on his shirt and did not speak a word of English.
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The jury heard the couple did not speak for a couple of days during the New Year following a disagreement, but on the evening of Mr Bick's death Mr Hunnisett contacted her sounding "quite distraught" and said he had killed someone.
You know how people who come from completely different cultures and backgrounds, people who might not even speak a single word of the same language, they might still be drawn together when their hearts are lifted by the notes of a song, or a vision on a canvas, or the graceful arc of a dance.
Many women around the world still live in a culture that does not allow them to speak of what is wrong with their situation, whether it has a name or not.
Perhaps this is my own moment of doubt, but many of these same arguments I myself have used does not speak to me of a rewriting of organizational management fundamentals anytime soon.
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Facebook's appeal to corporations does not speak of such a direct moment of commerce, but rather of a deep involvement within their skein of friends and passions.
If you are a new lawyer or consultant with a firm like Deloitte, you may not have a legitimate opportunity to speak with the GC of General Electric ( NYSE:GE) or the CEO of Texaco ( NYSE:CVX).
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After starting boarding school, Alissa did not speak to her father for a number of years.
Giffords has not been able to speak because of a breathing tube in her throat.
This sense of existential angst takes literal form when Sam is made an errand boy, and later called one quite directly to his face, told in fact that all he really ever was in the past was an errand boy, not a man of consequence (so to speak).
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"Larry is not different from a lot of the people I speak to, " Urban concludes, especially if they've had employer-provided coverage or no coverage in the past.
It is not grandiose to speak of her as articulating a distinctive vision of the role of athletics in the lives of MR children, because she had the wisdom and maturity to formulate such a vision...
You will not be successful and you will not have clout unless you can speak to a group of people larger than can fit in any one room that means you have to reach people through the media.
You will not find me cursing in a taped interview, a video clip or in front of a room full of people who may or may not be paying to hear me speak.
The "we" I speak of is not an organization but a loosely joined community.
CNN: Commentary: How social media shared pain and rage of Mumbai
He was appointed to the Lords, the upper house, but did not speak there for 15 years out of a reluctance to clash with former colleagues.
For Armstrong to speak first to Winfrey and not to a roomful of sports journalists who have followed his rise and fall smacks of a public relations exercise.
These exhibits, chosen not with scholarly precision but for the most part by ordinary Scots who responded to museum adverts seeking items which have significantly affected modern Scottish life, speak not of parochial concerns but of a people acknowledging their small place in a big world.
If we do not defend diversity of cultures, then it makes no sense to speak of dialogue because that will be a dialogue of the deaf.
UNESCO: Dialogue among civilizations: Address by Alexandre Yakovlev (Russian Federation)
Police and investigators combed the club, in the basement of a mall, but did not speak to reporters outside on Tuesday.
Ascolese would not speak beyond his casting of the situation as a landloard-tenant dispute, telling the newspaper that he needed to avoid stress as he manages his illness.
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In Ratanakiri, home to a large number of indigenous people who do not speak Khmer, for example, the adult literacy rate is just 45.9%, as illiteracy is more common in remote areas where access to intervention is difficult.
America was on the move again, and the car came back to take its place in the mythology of this country in the hearts of the young, not to speak of the fact that far from being the luxury, the car was more and more of a necessity, as suburbs stretched into excerpts and excerpts into strip malls.
"One idiot with a gun on a Saturday afternoon in downtown Toronto does not speak to the state of affairs of the city of Toronto, " he said.
He observed that the European leaders did not seem to have taken the opportunity to coordinate their remarks in advance, so that they did not make the most of their chance to speak, as a group, to the president of the United States for 15 minutes on each subject.
And it's not used only as a form of address, but also when we speak of a mother in the third person.
We cannot know the real story of what happened that night and whether Lewis was showing a different kind of leadership when he told his friends to not speak to the police or when he lied to police himself.
At least a third of children with non-German roots and a tenth of those growing up in German-speaking homes do not speak standard German properly.
Security only arrived later to the building, and evacuated the protesting workers, a security official said on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to the media.