Network spokesman Mike Soltys said the construction project was not affected by Tuesday's cuts.
The companies needed to reroute work to other suppliers not affected by the floods.
Oil production was not affected by the virus which struck on 15 August, Saudi Aramco added.
Unlike the Storm screen technology, this one is not affected by moisture or water droplets.
Other satellites used by The AP to deliver its services were not affected by the outage.
"They have better trickle-down economics, are not affected by a weak dollar or whatever else, " he says.
Traders are not affected by the payroll tax, as trading gains are not subject to payroll taxes.
Coking coal producers not affected by the floods are already reflecting the increase, and that will likely continue.
These figures are not affected by Mexican inflation accounting adjustments, which can distort earnings (see story, p. 57).
Local traffic was not affected by the cordon, Devon and Cornwall Police said.
Its success in winning customers in neighbouring countries means that it now has many customers not affected by Argentina's crisis.
Senators are used to our opinions mattering a lot around here, but these laws are not affected by our opinions.
But your home and your mortgage are not affected by the fact that your mortgage company may go out of business.
The official Xinhua News Agency said the well-known Bifengxia panda preserve, which is near Lushan, was not affected by the quake.
Many libraries and customer service points across the county are normally closed on Wednesdays and are not affected by the action.
Power-restoration work is done mainly by local utilities, with significant help from other utilities in states not affected by the storm.
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As the flow of water can be regulated, it's also not affected by seasonal or daily changes in weather or water patterns.
"Deutsche Bank was not indicted in this matter and its business operations in Korea are not affected by this decision, " it added.
Its operations from Derry City airport are not affected by Tuesday's decision.
You will find that many people in specific countries (again Poland is great example) were not affected by the recession at all.
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Pigeon Forge, in eastern Tennessee, is best known for singer Dolly Parton's theme park, Dollywood, which was not affected by the fire.
Pigeon Forge, located in eastern Tennessee is best known for singer Dolly Parton's theme park, Dollywood, which was not affected by the fire.
The operator said it was looking at ways to put signalling equipment and electrics on stilts so they are not affected by flooding.
Five specialist hospitals in the area, Harefield, Mount Vernon, Royal Brompton, Royal Marsden and Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital, are not affected by the proposals.
BBC: Four A&E units in north-west London recommended to close
But she noted that the sale and support of currently approved and commercial therapies, including the SynchroMed pump, is not affected by this action.
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The water company has been accused of causing confusion after some notices were sent to Kettering and surrounding areas not affected by the contamination.
But store-level employees and the Save-A-Lot chain are generally not affected by the reductions, with more emphasis on corporate and store support center offices.
Most people are not affected by congestion, and for most of those who are, it is not a problem that causes them much worry.
Non EU students were not affected by last year's fee changes but they generally pay higher fees, set directly by the institution they attend.
"It allows tissues not affected by the cancer to have a lower dose of radiotherapy, which will hopefully reduce the side effects, " Dr Roy added.