Asked when China is going to overtake the US as the world's biggest economy, he says the ability to predict such things has been terrible in the past and not any better now.
Unlike the metric system, however, the new standard is not clearly any better than the old.
This means that the food insecurity situation that we are currently experiencing now will not get any better.
Reduce the number of tax brackets while eliminating loopholes, and the lowest-income families may not be any better off.
"I'd tell my employees 'it may not get any better than this but it sure gets worse, '" he said.
The new EU-wide supervisor, the European Banking Authority, has not done any better.
Matters did not get any better for the Scarlets as they lost Ceiron Thomas before half an hour was up.
But some tour operators said travel to Cuba has become more cumbersome and expensive but is not policed any better.
It did not get any better for the Scarlets after the interval as James collected 10 points in the space of four minutes.
Once they acknowledged this factor in their statistical models, it became evident that those films, by themselves, did not do any better at all.
Are you banking on consumers not knowing any better, or do you actually believe that your cable results in the fastest, clearest audio ever?
By the same token, many government functions may be laden with bureaucracy, but the private sector might not do any better with the same tasks.
Things are not getting any better at Research In Motion.
FORBES: Research In Motion: Canaccord Cuts Ests On Weak BB7 Sales
In addition, the situation in Europe is not getting any better.
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Too often organizations remained mired in the status quo not because people do not know any better, but because they are too afraid to rock the boat.
The ISM chimed in with a manufacturing survey that suggested that the third quarter is not off to a good start and that the short-term future may not be any better.
Tomorrow might not be any better.
FORBES: Take-Two Interactive at Risk for Another SEC Investigation?
"Frankly if existing law cannot be enforced, new law will not be enforced any better, " he said.
BBC: Rail cable theft: Up to eight cases a day, MPs are told
And trainer Wayne McCullough, who puts the Foster blip down to complacency, says his charge's training could not have gone any better.
Even if a new deal for the carmakers is put on the table in March, they may not like it any better.
International concern with terrorism does not make things any better for Bolivia.
At the time, there could not have been any better messenger than Powell: a well-respected Republican, a former secretary of state and an army general.
But having seen the film, Johansson conceded she could not have performed any better than Anne Hathaway, who won a Bafta for her role in the film.
And we learned that February may not have been any better, since the Conference Board reported the bottom has dropped out of consumer confidence, its Consumer Confidence Index plunging from 56.5 in January to 46.0 in February. (The norm for the index is 100, based on its level in 1985).
She told 5 live Investigates that she did not appear to be any better off for being in the scheme - and that she was not paying any income tax, which worried her.