• She said it was not unusual to bury cremated remains in a bag fastened with a brooch in late Iron Age Kent.

    BBC: Iron Age bronze helmet found on Canterbury farmland

  • The men who built the lighthouse, usually photographed with their jackets fastened and their ties done up, were not seamen, nor would they have been particularly accustomed to the huge swells that batter that part of Ireland's coastline.

    ECONOMIST: The Fastnet Lighthouse: Light on a lonely rock | The

  • Just one last point - and I'm not sure, now, if I'm hearing belts and braces being securely fastened, or the sound of a stable door closing long after the horse has bolted but might there just be paperwork that all involved must update, sign, seal and deliver just in case either man is reinstated?

    BBC: The 'dangling' Lib Dem Two: the latest

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