• In the past regulators have tended to leave it to the market to judge the health of banks, not least because they themselves did not feel up to it.

    ECONOMIST: A bank regulator��s lot is not a happy one

  • They expect men and women wiser than themselves to come up with answers, but feel those on offer are not up to the job.

    BBC: Angry Europeans look for direction

  • We had some concerns, I think as you heard, over the past 24 hours about commitments that BP had made that we did not feel that they were adequately living up to in terms of that monitoring.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • While we don't feel that SwiftKey is orchestrating a revolution with version 4, it doesn't have to -- the appeal here is not having to give up SwiftKey's generally well-regarded feel to get a feature previously reserved for competitors.


  • Crispin's brief is to come up with an answer to Apple's campaign that does not feel reactive, and somehow makes Microsoft look cool.

    ECONOMIST: Advertising

  • "You need enough sleep to wake up and not feel tired and fatigued the next morning, " he says.

    WSJ: When It's Worth It to Skip a Workout and Sleep

  • Or it they are not prepared to do that, Greece would feel compelled to walk away from its debts and would tear up its membership of the euro club.

    BBC: Can Merkel and Sarkozy turn the tide of markets?

  • One day the man wakes up and finds that he does not feel like going to work.


  • We have to step up and take what we want and not feel uncomfortable for it.

    CNN: Working women, know your value

  • If your employees do not feel valued, any effort you make to thank them later on may end up feeling meaningless.

    FORBES: JJ Ramberg on Entrepreneurship, Branding and Family

  • Because they're not attended to, particularly people in poorer communities feel that the city is just not responding to their needs the way they do up in Brentwood or Bel Air or any of the more well-to-do areas of the city.

    NPR: LAPD Chief on Making the City Safer

  • Not only will you feel miserable in too-tight garments, they may ride up, forcing you to tug on them all day.

    WSJ: Pull On the Right Shapewear

  • The responsibility could lie with rogue elements within the Indonesian army and police, who feel they have invested so much in East Timor that they are not prepared to give it up.

    ECONOMIST: Who will rescue East Timor?

  • It is not easy to come into the England set-up at that age but Steve made me feel welcome and he put me on the map.

    BBC: Micah Richards column

  • We feel very strongly and have a lot of economic evidence to back it up that it is not an issue when it comes to our near- and medium-term deficits.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • Andrea Rubinsky , 17, said she did not feel any worse for using the Internet, even though she had cut the time she logs on from up to 15 hours a week to just three.

    BBC: News | Sci/Tech | Feeling depressed?

  • Mrs Smith's concerns about the attitude of some Triage staff comes as a survey of charities and other organisations recruited to back up the 18 main providers conducted by the BBC found that many do not feel the Work Programme is delivering.

    BBC: Disabled parking spaces

  • Though the event draws up to 10, 000 people, the gardens are vast enough to absorb the crowds and not feel cramped.

    BBC: Green-fingered gatherings in Berlin

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