But Sir Alec said that economic problems now existed, for example in the labour market, that Keynes had not foreseen.
Midcoast offered a great deal for private C corporations that had not foreseen that they would someday liquidate their appreciated assets.
FORBES: Fourth Circuit Holds Former Shareholders Not Liable For Corporate Tax In Midcoast Deal
But to a degree not foreseen when Hagel arrived in Israel over the weekend, the threat posed by Syria's chemical weapons overshadowed Iran.
The fact that Mr McDonnell had not foreseen a public backlash to the vaginal-ultrasound requirement seems, to some, to illustrate his tone-deafness and inattention to detail.
Attorneys for the school argued that tick-borne encephalitis is such a rare disease that it could not have foreseen a risk and could not be expected to warn Munn or require her to use protection against it.
The Framers who drafted the Constitution could not have foreseen the challenges that have unfolded over the last 222 years.
He could not have foreseen that 130 years later, its story of swindling banks and corporate greed would hit a note with contemporary audiences.
However, it concluded agencies involved could not have foreseen her murder.
BBC: Hannah Windsor murder: Report cites care system failings
She told the inquest in Truro the team could have been more "proactive and dynamic" but could not have foreseen the tragic events of January 2010.
When memory chip maker LG Semi-con of South Korea decided to go public this year, it could not have foreseen that the bottom would drop out of the market for its primary product.
He could not have foreseen just how unfortunate.
ECONOMIST: Ireland��s former finance minister dies, at just 52
They could not have foreseen it, or have realised it even afterwards, those elegant guests who assembled at Prince Lobkowitz's Vienna palace on a bitter December night in 1804 for the premiere of a new symphony by the wild and woolly Ludwig van Beethoven.
Former Bear chief executives James Cayne and Alan Schwartz testified that they could not have foreseen the severe disruptions in the credit markets that ultimately led to a run on Bear Stearns in March 2008 and that they were as shocked as anyone when Bear had to be rescued by JPMorgan Chase with government help.
For young entrepreneurs, talent management can be a key challenge that may not have been foreseen.
Mr Holleran said the death of Mrs Saldanha was "tragic" and "regrettable", but that it "could not have been foreseen".
"There is exposure that could not have been foreseen, " insists Raj Sundaram, president of Automotive Lease Guide, the industry's resale value bible.
An independent psychologist has told an inquest in Cornwall the deaths of a 10-year-old boy and his parents could not have been foreseen.
It cited some weaknesses in communication between agencies dealing with the family, but said the deaths of Ben and his mother could not have been foreseen.
It cited some weaknesses in communication between the agencies dealing with the family's situation, but said the death of Ben and his mother could not have been foreseen.
We have encountered in this calendar year a number of economic headwinds that could not have been foreseen -- the tsunami -- earthquake and tsunami in Japan that disrupted global supply chains, the unrest in the Middle East, which had an impact on oil prices, and the situation in Europe.
Though Einstein's quantum hypothesis eventually became accepted, it had consequences that not even he had foreseen.
"This is a tragic event that could not have been reasonably foreseen, and we are deeply saddened by it, " he said.
"This is a tragic event that could not have been reasonably foreseen and we are deeply saddened by it, " he said of Saldanha's death.
CNN: Nurse death sparks outrage, casts glare on 'shock jocks'
On Tuesday, a British Horseracing Authority (BHA) report into this year's race said the deaths of Synchronised and According to Pete could not have been "foreseen" nor "prevented".
Courts have also ruled that act-of-war clauses do not apply where risk can be foreseen when the contract was signed.
Well, then came a development that could have been foreseen and probably was, but not by my father.
The cause of this activity is a realisation, both in the regions and in government, that the slow evolution of regional institutions foreseen in Labour's manifesto is not enough to deal with the consequences for England of Scottish and Welsh devolution.
This really should have been foreseen and if those who pushed this through did not do so then we should be very careful indeed about anything else they have to say on matters of public policy.
Certainly, no one could have foreseen the stage collapse, what with temporary outdoor stages not being subject to inspection on state-owned properties in Indiana.
FORBES: Indiana State Fair Stage Collapse, a Youth Softball Siren, and Respecting the Weather