That's not mean or cruel, good or bad, that's just the reality of life.
Lately news-makers have been batting around the question of whether or not home ownership is good or bad for the housing market, the economy, and individuals.
The quotes around problem in the previous sentence are a reminder that a temporary trade deficits or surpluses are not per se a good or bad thing.
The point is that regionalism is not necessarily either good or bad for free trade.
ECONOMIST: Do regional trade agreements encourage free trade?
"The higher or lower fee is not a determinate of a good or bad manager, " Ghodsi says.
"The debate about the plight of the lemurs and what should be done about them, and whether or not my idea was a good idea or bad idea was certainly an eye-opener to me and I suspect to all of us, " he said in a recent e-mail.
Of course, just because a course is online does not mean it will be good, just as not every traditional lecture or classroom experience is good or bad.
Porsche startled the market on Friday with its latest sales figures, not because of how good or bad they were, but because of when they were for.
For one, what right-thinking investor would want to own a stock the price of which does not include all information, good or bad?
Therefore, we Democrats will bring to the American people this year a positive campaign, arguing not who is a good or a bad person, but what is the best way to build a safe and prosperous world our children deserve.
The question is not whether higher interest rates are good or bad right now but rather: How much higher should they be?
FORBES: No Question Here, Interest Rates Must Rise For An Economic Recovery
It is not necessarily always good when GDP rises or always bad when GDP declines.
FORBES: Here's Why The U.S. Economy Is A Lot Stronger Than Numbers Suggest
First, trends are general and not everything caught up in them is good or bad.
The fruits of Chavez's legacy, for good or bad, have not changed the course of Venezuela as dramatically as his public relations machine portrays.
Not even the relatively good news of a declining federal budget deficit or the impending bad news that Congress has not resolved the rising costs of Medicare.
All human activities are a compromise so we should acknowledge such compromises, not only focus only on either the good or the bad.
Not because the company had done anything, good or bad, but because the founder had sold shares at a discount outside the lockup.
Imagine you would not constantly judge whether something is bad or good, desirable or non-desirable but simply acknowledge the situation, accept it as it is and recognize that everyone is doing what they think is the right thing at the time.
At this point I should probably mention the obvious - plenty of speeches, good or bad or - horror - not in English, no doubt slip under the media radar.
I'm not taking the position that hostile takeovers are bad or good.
Conversely, to the extent that investors do not presently own shares whose price might be altered by good or bad information, the proper pricing of those shares thanks to the inside investor acting on quality information enables buyers to make better informed decisions about whether or not to buy.
Why not discourage bad things like pollution rather than good things like working or investment?
Subsidies and taxes, for good or bad, are usually implemented to achieve an outcome presently not revealing itself due to natural market forces.
Is that a good thing or a bad thing, given that the Republicans are controlling not only the House and Senate but also, of course, the White House?
It's not that grandmothers are inherently bad at picking gifts or that age somehow robs them of good judgment.
But the bad news for savers does not seem to translate into good news for borrowers - or not lately, at least.
It's an investment that will expand and improve not just early learning programs, but reward good teachers while replacing bad ones, and put college or technical training within reach for anyone who wants it.
Let me just say upfront, we're not going to talk about the whole question of negative ads per se, whether they're good or bad.
Find yourself a hard-core engineer, either in your company, or maybe a consultant, and ask not what is good about Windows 8, but what is bad.
FORBES: Has Windows 8 Failed As The PC Market Hasn't Boomed?