Nadal's not quite right to call the rule a disaster, at least not yet.
Yet in doing so, they implicitly acknowledge that there may be something not quite right.
Pinter is often lumped together with the theater of the absurd, although that's not quite right.
Gould's bet, based on recent work in developmental biology, is that Darwin was not quite right.
ECONOMIST: A master of evolution takes a last long look at Darwin
When such projects were given the green light, there was usually something not quite right about them.
It's not quite right to say that society's collective failure of imagination stems from a slump in innovation.
The RAC said the figures were a "cause for concern" and they suggested "something is not quite right".
BBC: Bristol's bus lane fines raise more than ?1.5m for council
"The market was treating retail real estate investment trusts exactly like retailers, which is not quite right, " says Adamo.
But she added that they had both come to know that something was not quite right with their relationship.
Garrison Keillor was not quite right when he said that only Americans pulled down old houses because they were too difficult to clean.
ECONOMIST: China��s Communist modernisers are wrecking the capital
The communication channels were not quite right and Italy competed well.
Well better is perhaps not quite right way to put it.
FORBES: Tax Court Not Quick To Find Abuse In Innocent Spouse Case
Prof Kowalski named the new fungal species Chalara fraxinea - but as the disease spread across the continent, he realised that something was not quite right.
It seemed somehow unfinished, the kitchen not quite right, the doors either poorly fitting or missing, the varnished cabinets made of thin wood, the floors creaky and uneven.
That's not quite right according to political analyst John McGuinness.
This means that early action, while it leaves less to do in the future, early action means using the not quite right technologies we have now: and that could be very expensive.
FORBES: Why Small Delays in Dealing With Climate Change Can be Very Cheap
While many Fed critics have argued the Fed should have raised rates then to lean into what turned out to be a surging housing market, Plosser said that conception is not quite right.
He said he could not confirm for operational reasons whether intelligence had directed the Iron Duke to the vessel, but likened the Royal Navy's patrols to those of a "bobby on the beat" who notices when "something's not quite right".
This is still not quite right.
FORBES: No, Asteroid 2012 DA14 Isn't Worth $195 Billion, Whatever Deep Space Industries Says
These standards are hard and fast rules that make it impossible for, say, an airline-mechanic crew at LaGuardia Airport to give into the demands of impatient pilots and passengers when something appears to be not quite right with the landing gear on a departing plane.
FORBES: Memo to New SEC Chief: Ask the FAA How to Stop the Next Flash Crash
The other is that no one was willing to sign off on something that might not be quite right.
FORBES: Links 31 Oct: Yes, the iTunes Release Delay Is About Scott Forstall
They are quietly suggesting that a market run by a single specialist broker, which since February 2003 has had the same majority owner as the Stuttgart exchange, does not smell quite right.
Besides the Zune Pad just not feeling quite right (sweeping motions didn't predictably correspond to cursor movement), it's also worth mentioning that our experience with the Zune Pad wasn't entirely bug free, either.
ENGADGET: New Zune review (part 2): upgrade, hardware, software and Social
Sam Troughton is perfect as Thomas, wearing a determined yet downtrodden and already-defeated air, enhanced by a not-quite-right suit and crooked glasses.