We all have the same 168 hours per week -- a number few people contemplate even as they talk about "24-7" with abandon -- but since time passes whether we acknowledge it or not, we seldom think through exactly how we're spending our hours.
This is not just because people seldom back the side with the F-16s.
All right, the Philippines is not Malaysia, and history seldom repeats itself exactly, in Asia or anywhere else.
Not least, since technology seldom works flawlessly and there are plenty of other ways of delivering a nuclear, chemical or bug bomb, any future defences have to work in ways that strengthen deterrence and diplomacy the traditional means of dealing with threats to peace not undermine them.
Here are all their boring, not so boring and unfortunately very seldom scandalous posts.
But, because it's not quite finished, it's seldom performed.
In a region well known for political turmoil, perhaps it has something to do with martial-arts fiction being the last resort of social justice, where wrongs are righted not through law and order seldom useful in the real world but with the arrival of the martial-arts heroes.
Such destinations are often not adequately served by commercial airlines, and seldom with schedules that meet business needs.
Even if government websites are not actually wrong or dysfunctional, they are seldom designed with the outsider in mind.
In the real world, policemen are seldom sure whether the many (not one) suspects they want to torture know of any plot, or how many lives might be at stake.
Price is seldom if ever the real reason why the prospect is not buying.
Along the way, it shows that poets have not entirely lost their public voice even if they do seldom make it into the newspapers.
Shortly after, The New Yorker's Malcolm Gladwell proclaimed that " the revolution would not be tweeted" because the Internet's "weak ties seldom lead to high-risk activism, " which is needed in order to spur real change.
Bear in mind that ideology seldom triumphs over pragmatism at the crunch (though Ronald Reagan did not quite fit that pattern).
The Games rumbles along with a second shaved here or there, happy faces on the podium and solemn ones not on it, but mostly what is on display is a vacouousness that seldom reveals or even acknowledges the real passion of competing and winning or losing.
FORBES: Passion Beats Sanitization To Gold in Olympics Media
Unfortunately it is not only Hayek, but even current outstanding intellectuals, and even Jesuits, who seldom mention this tradition.
FORBES: Social Justice And Pope Francis: Choosing Freedom Over Serfdom
Management and marketing skills are not transferable, the thinking goes, since the federal customer is a political animal that seldom behaves like an economic rational actor.
FORBES: After Bin Laden, What Next For The Defense Industry?
Like my COO friend, as I point to companies who have not only survived, but also thrived in periods of rapid change, the one common denominator is seldom a grand strategic vision.