Another concern is that our analysis of activity in the options market indicates that hedge funds are still notshowinginterest in accumulating equities.
"Lloyds has made a huge additional provision and yet it is notshowing any interest in dealing with the very valid claims it is receiving, " said the company's managing director, Craig Lowther.
They say that if Japan's economy does not start showing signs of recovery, and with interest rates in the country close to near zero, it may see a rise in "carry-trades".
Foreign investors are showing a strong interest in the country's economic potential, not only for its natural resources but also for its consumer base of 60 million people.
Magnus-Stinson found that a prison policy preventing Lindh and the other Muslims in his unit from praying together daily when not locked in their cells violated a 1993 law banning the government from curtailing religious speech without showing a compelling interest.