Arty situated himself next to her, not so close as to fall within the weather of her communicable diseases but not so far as to appear rude.
It was possibly slightly edited but not so much so as to detract from the harsh reality of this awful event.
It usually began with standing water: a tide pool or pond or salty shallow, wet enough to breed bacteria but not so wet as to wash them away.
Lastly, cross-border financial integration has spread far enough to channel contagion from one country to another, but not so far as to break the cycle of weak banks and weak sovereigns bringing each other down.
Gamifiers try to capture that sense of engagement by providing rapid, continuous feedback, a clear sense of progression and goals that are challenging enough to maintain interest but not so hard as to put players off.
ECONOMIST: What video-game technology can do in the real world
However, care must be taken to ensure that your capital is not so eroded as to make life difficult for you and indeed for your children.
In a general sense, vocal cord paralysis can be more difficult to treat since the main focus is to make the folds further apart to improve the airway, but not so much as to affect the quality of the voice.
The broadcasts had to be strong enough to be heard 200 feet away, but not so overpowering as to drain battery life.
But can the level of fear be adequate to engender such a change of heart while not so powerful as to trigger panic?
ECONOMIST: How much do Greece and the rest of Europe stand to lose?
To promote safe lending in the long term, some risk must be left with depositors, and far more (it is to be hoped) with owners, but not so much as to make the system vulnerable to short-term instability.
Like rationality, self-interest (even when broadly defined) fails to capture some aspects of social behaviour, but not so many as to render models based on the notion useless.
Bloomberg, again, already had reported that reassurances had gone forth from the Treasury to the Big Banks that the federal government is not so stupid as to stiff its creditors.
FORBES: Not Default, Growth: Wall Street, Main Street And Even Washington Gets It Now
Lord Justice Leveson's call for a system of voluntary independent self-regulation of the press posed a problem for the politicians - how to make any new system independent enough to satisfy the victims whilst at the same time making it not so independent as to convince the press to walk away and refuse to take part.
Charitably, perhaps, senior officials in Brussels say governments deliberately chose not to expand the EFSF so as not to signal to markets that problems were looming in Italy and Spain.
Barnes and Noble has struck a successful balance between having enough books to make the customer feel he has sufficient choice, and yet not so many as to make him feel overwhelmed.
Perhaps if the head of some respected scientific organization made such claims, we would chalk up the ridiculous predictions as an early sign of dementia and mercifully decline to report the predictions so as not to embarrass the person as he or she checks out of the real world.
Laila de Morne had not committed herself to any lover, had not gone so far as to marry again.
Individuals do not act so as to maximize utilities described in independently existing functions.
FORBES: Order, Prosperity, and Hard Work: Appreciating James Buchanan (1919-2013)
"I am not so naive as to think that all potential conflicts can or should be expunged from banking, " Volcker says.
Some say that housing is economically important, but not so important as to be a necessity to economic recovery and continued expansion.
Mr Brown's redistribution is not so immoderate as to terrify many voters.
The difference between bullish and bearish sentiment (the bull-bear spread) is also unusually high at 31.5%, but not so high as to create caution that individual investors are too optimistic.
FORBES: Improving Economy, Corporate Earnings Push Investor Optimism To 12-Month High
Happy to describe such behavior as "pro-social, " they did not go so far as to attribute empathy to the ants.
WSJ: Matt Ridley on what a Rat Rescue Says About People | Mind & Matter
The condition for being part of such a successful act is that the girls must not date boys, so as not to shatter their fans' illusions.
One of these companies, essentially composed of graduate students, all with less than three years business experience, not only found its funding, but actually had to turn away millions so as not to dilute the founders' ownership.
Any inspection regime has to strike a balance between being intrusive enough to catch germ warriors and not being so meddlesome as to disrupt legitimate research by biotechnology companies.
In federal courts, such certification must generally follow well-established principles to ensure a lawsuit would not become so large as to be impracticable, and would allow the parties to fairly represent the common interests of the larger class of plaintiffs.
CNN: Justices accept appeal over Wal-Mart gender pay lawsuit
Because the militias have become so ingrained in the political fabric of contemporary Iraq, it's not going to be so simple as to just say, okay, put down your weapons.
The wardrobe department (or possibly Camila, who will one day rule us all) decided to make Camilla's GIANT HAIR BOWS her "signature thing, " so all the others got to wear weird things too so as not to feel left out.