"Vito Lopez should not spend another day in office, let alone a whole month, " he said.
But despite their rhetoric politicians do not spend much time worrying about those in poverty.
Kevin has some lofty goals though, so he does not spend his money frivolously.
You would be remiss if you did not spend time island-hopping some of Rarotonga's neighbours.
Both Apple and Google sit on cash they just cannot or will not spend.
FORBES: What To Do With Google and Apple's Billions - Creative Arbitrage
But even if more people do travel, they will probably not spend as much.
It costs money to develop websites and Lukmantara aims to make it, not spend it.
For example, the woman who bought Gucci shoes would not spend more money on first class airfare.
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But the recession will not last forever, and our budget should not spend as if it will.
CNN: Commentary: Budget a 'clear and present danger' to our kids
Why not spend the money in a more efficient manner and permanently rid yourself of the problem?
The prosecution told Birmingham Crown Court Network Rail would not spend money on an automatic locking device.
Again, I say, we should not spend any of it until after Social Security is truly saved.
As Tony himself explained to me, he did not spend a dime on advertising, marketing or promotions.
Weak profits will hurt investment, and consumers will not spend freely if they believe jobs will be shed.
To his credit, Sherman did not spend a great deal of time that day blaming himself for being wrong.
FORBES: Lessons From War For Investors #2: A Mind Is a Terrible Thing To Close
Perhaps surprisingly, more women in the 1950s said their husbands did not spend enough time at home than today.
Their office commented that they would not spend more than they knew they could cover with the booster money.
Do not spend the time to put the handset back in the cradle.
FORBES: This Is Selling With Intensity -- The Pursuit of Happyness
Look at Starbucks, they do not spend a lot on traditional advertising.
FORBES: Sharpen Your Marketing By Measuring What Matters Most
He will not spend the night in the house, and and will leave after one contestant's wish has been "fixed".
BBC: NEWS | Entertainment | Savile to join Big Brother house
The World Health Organization recommends a poor family should not spend more than 3% of its monthly income for water.
Even the Blackhawks were atrocious for years due to a team whose primary competitive goal was to not spend money.
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And unlike Germany and France, Italy's banks did not spend the past few years buying Greek, Spanish and Portuguese debt.
They include lost productivity for business travelers and time that non-business passengers do not spend with relatives or on ski slopes.
He gets to profit from someone like me despite my choice to not spend a dime in one of his restaurants.
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Better than spending time worrying about how someone else made their bucks, why not spend time making a small pile for yourself?
Because Johnson will likely not spend over 183 days in Canada in a given year, he will file there as a non-resident.
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Although many people might not spend their 8-t0-5 in the office, the 40-hour workweek is still a myth for most knowledge workers.
Most people do not spend enough time preparing before they begin something.
Mr Barnes did not spend 21 years in the legislature for nothing.