"I didn't lose the championship in Abu Dhabi so that's not a problem at all, it wasn't mine to lose, " he says and dismisses the tag that he might be the nearly man of the sport.
The problem in this case, Massie emphasizes, is not necessarily that information wasn't available at all.
If you are an investor, not a gambler, don't use leverage at all.
To top it off, they also needed an actor unknown enough to not draw immediate past references in the minds of moviegoers, but not so new there wasn't any recognition at all.
If you have evidence of arthritis in the knee, persistent or recurrent knee pain, or history of a previous knee injury, this does not necessarily mean that you can't jog at all.
Most people find PROP and PTC bitter, but not unbearable, while others don't taste it at all.
"I can't say that because it's not at all clear that Congress will take up this idea they seem seized of at the moment, " says White House Spokesman Mike McCurry.
CNN: Budget cutters take hard look at Social Security - Sept. 27, 1995
His biography was written by Exeter civil engineer Brian George, who spent 17 years on the work: "It's extraordinary, isn't it, that he's not at all well known, " said Brian, whose favourite Green construction is Cowley Bridge.
Huckabee, however, performed poorly among voters who said religion either didn't matter "much" or "not at all, " which may prove troublesome in states like New Hampshire where religious voters play a less significant role in the Republican Party.
Just under two-thirds said they aren't following the campaign very closely, or not at all.
WSJ: Democratic Voters Favor Best-Known Mayoral Candidates in Early Polls
Jobs, however, can't love them all back, at least not the way they want.
And sitting out en masse, when they aren't accustomed to it, might not bring much benefit at all, as we may find out this week.
That's not to say there won't be any new cameras at all -- PMA does have a small presence at the show, and major players like Canon, Nikon, Samsung and Sony all invest in significant floor space (they'll need some new products to fill their shelves, after all).
Apparently you can't bank on rising oil prices, at least not all the time.
It is vitally important, because misfolded proteins either do not work at all or do things that they shouldn't.
ECONOMIST: What video-game technology can do in the real world
The fact is that the pro-immigration movement, with its half million people in the streets of downtown L.A. and a network of support that's not just national but global, didn't need black people at all.
Or cynically settle for that mediocrity when it turns out that their franchise organization doesn't have it handled after all (at least not as well as the owner was led to believe when they sold her the franchise), and doesn't hand it to them on a plate.
But that doesn't mean the entire game is corrupt, I do not agree at all.
In general, people who don't own electronic reading devices are more likely not to read much at all.
But this is not true for GFP--it doesn't need any help at all.
Referring to possible future changes to fish conservation law, Ms Ni Chuilin said, "it isn't just catch and release, it may involve not catching salmon at all".
The Italians, after all, not only didn't lose a game at home during their qualifying campaign for this summer's European championships, they didn't even concede a goal.
Science requires a lot of effort (1% inspiration and 99% perspiration) and too many children don't want to put any effort in at all (not just in their science lessons).
So most of the subprime borrowing that sort of ticked off this big decrease in the mortgage market, this decline in the housing market were given by mortgage companies that were not owned or controlled by banks and didn't have any regulation at all.
If you don't hook the reader from the start, you may not catch her at all.
Not at all, says Malan, noting that people shouldn't make an "us vs. them" comparison between U.S. and foreign-based firms because so many companies with headquarters overseas provide jobs for Americans--5.1 million jobs, in fact, according to OFII.
The trip wasn't going to be all fun and games--at least not for the old man.