One of the great thing about writing about tax is that I have the opportunity to remind folks not to take it quite so seriously.
The most important thing to remember about attending at Art Basel, (unless you are a director at a high-end gallery tallying up the sales) is not to take it all that seriously.
"It's not an option in my view, we've taken a look at it clearly and we do take every suggestion seriously but it does seem like it's not feasible, " said Mr Toth.
The group believes some people do not take this form of bullying seriously because it is indirect and often anonymous, but they say it can be harmful, leaving children feeling that they cannot escape.
" The moment also appears in "Z, " when Zelda warns Scott that she's written a biting review and says "it's not afraid to be kinda critical, 'cause nobody would take it seriously if it's all glowing praise.
So every decision is very painful, engages lives, has a huge impact on how people live, whether they live or not, and if you take that responsibility seriously it can be quite heavy.
Stewart -- like Theron -- carries off a serviceable English accent and mostly refrains from those irritating Bella-isms, but it's not so easy to take her seriously as the messianic resistance leader that Sanders seems to have in mind (you get the feeling the director thinks he's auditioning for the next "Narnia" movie, or even Middle Earth).
We are not taking the threat seriously if we do not answer basic questions about it and if we do not take the time to speak clearly and precisely when articulating it.
FORBES: Just How Big Is The Cyber Threat To The Department Of Defense?
If you're writing a serialized novel about a yoga detective, it's best not to take the process too seriously.
WSJ: Neal Pollack on Writing a Detective Serial | Word Craft
The truth of the matter is that the U.S. military did not take the threat posed by chemical weapons seriously enough when it was an acknowledged danger from a monolithic and unremittingly hostile adversary like the Soviet Union.
It signaled to the viewer that she really did not take anything seriously, and I surmise her laugh also told us she knew very well the game she was playing.
While signalling that the school trust will have to take the protesters' misgivings more seriously, it does not, yet, suggest that it will have to drop the idea of a sale.
We may not have been able to get the votes for a statutory commission, but we're going to -- I am going to appoint a commission by executive order, because it's important for us to take these issues seriously -- not just for us but for our children and our grandchildren.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Takes Questions from Senate Democrats
From this it appears that Israel has not only made no headway in convincing the administration to take Iran seriously.
We have tried to take very seriously everything that you proposed, and to try to integrate it into not only legislative proposals but also the executive proposals out there.
WHITEHOUSE: President's Council on Jobs and Competitiveness Approves New Report | The White House
Although the Sex Discrimination Act of 1975 did provide some protection for women in the workplace, it was not until the Protection from Harassment Act 1997 that employers were obliged to take seriously the issue of female staff being bullied or sexually harassed in the office.
But we do take that very seriously and if there's any reason why we feel that it would not be an environment where we would want to put, you know, our musicians in there, then we make those kinds of decisions.