However, because the detectives did not read Bryant his rights at that point -- and because of a technicalproblem with a search warrant they had -- the judge ruled that any statements the basketball player made and any evidence collected after that point could not be used at the trial, which is due to begin August 27.
The second is a minefield because the technical responses make a rich mix, ranging from "it's not a problem because if you have enough wind turbines they compensate for each other" to "you need a fossil fuel power station on standby for every wind farm".
Woods is working on his swing and other technical aspects of his game with coach Sean Foley but said his problem area is not just related to his off the tee concerns.
One little technicalproblem: aside from captive provider systems with electronic medical records like Kaiser, not a single insurer I know of in the US has any ability to affect this scandalously high rate of often unnecessary, always expensive, high-volume surgery.
Whether or not those complaining did cheat and are now lying about it, or had some other technical issue that led to the problem, is impossible to say.