The views expressed are solely those of Francis Klonowski and are for general information only, do not constitute financial advice as defined by the Financial Services Act and are not intended to be relied on for the purposes of making an investment decision.
Old-fashioned paternalists in the capitals of developing countries used to argue that poor villagers could not be relied on to look after natural resources.
Hotels, not consumers, have to be relied on to deal with their vulnerable security systems.
What Mr Lilley heard was that voters thought that a party that had a philosophical preference for the free market and a smaller state could not be relied on to provide good public services.
This week though, the chairman of the Federal Election Commission suggested McCain might not be allowed to opt out because he may have relied on the promise of federal funds to secure a bank loan.
But when bar staff said they did not recognise his name, the officer relied on a regular who happened to be drinking there at the time who vouched for Mr Parry.
The minister said his department relied on DWP to give these benefits and design changes could not be easily embedded into "complex and state of the art" technology which was used on a UK-wide basis.
The court ruled that that the commission relied on scant evidence to decide that Sony BMG Music Entertainment would not be too powerful.
True, a Vengerov does not show up every day, and the times are past when Asian dealers could be relied on to buy almost anything.
But it would not need any new staff at all, if those already on the payroll could be relied upon to turn up for work.
Meanwhile, now that most, if not all, restrictive practices at exchanges are on the way out, market forces can surely be relied on to drive trading costs down.
ECONOMIST: America��s leading stock exchanges need modernisation