By the same token, he explains away his past support for a ban on assault weapons as a concession to local sensibilities, not to be repeated on the national stage.
ECONOMIST: Republicans are for states�� rights��when it suits them
It will have been a phenomenal ride that is not likely to be repeated next year.
He said his view was that "this was a one-off operation, not likely to be repeated" but that "only substantial custodial sentences can meet the requirements of the case".
So I expect there will be much more gasoline supply in the world, and that the supply tightness that we've seen in 2007 here at home is not likely to be repeated.
Metal on metal hip resurfacing is considered to be a much better option because it has a lower failure rate and is more cost effective since it does not need to be repeated as often as a total hip replacement.
Mr Francis said the scandal, in which at least 400 patients may have died unnecessarily, was not an event of "such rarity or improbability that it would be safe to assume that it will not be repeated".
Notably, in the case of North Lakelands NHS Trust the CHI team concluded that it could not be sure that the problems of abuse of patients and failure to act on complaints would not be repeated.
"In terms of scale, it's not soon or ever to be repeated, " said Dr. Robert Whitaker, a Temple University pediatrician who was a study co-author.
Aleph's death convinced me not to miss this never-to-be-repeated opportunity.
To REIT analysts this is an anomalous circumstance unlikely to be repeated soon in an industry not normally given to overexpansion: Many warehouses in the early part of the decade were built to house tech gear and retail inventory.
It said Stafford was "not an event of such rarity or improbability that it would be safe to assume that it has not been and will not be repeated".
U. constitution, European leaders assembled to give the treaty a cosmetic makeover, changed its name and guaranteed that the mistake of putting a matter of this magnitude to a public vote would not be repeated.
Given a particularly divisive history, laws designed to curb hate-speech can be justified as an effort to ensure that such a history is not repeated.
But he said the research had to be repeated to ensure it was not just a chance finding.
Such a level of Federal ans State largesse clearly will not be maintained and one has to state that , the 3.4% increase is unlikely to be repeated in forthcoming quarters.
Farhang could not be contacted about his statement despite repeated calls by CNN to his hotel room and office Friday morning.
We also have to consider that the Playstation 2, at launch, wasn't a very good DVD player compared to others on the market and this may or may not be repeated.
ENGADGET: Why would anyone buy a Blu-ray player (other than the PS3)?
So, it seems, the scientific uncertainty generated by not having good data from the mid-20th century is going to be repeated in the early 21st century (satellites may help on optical depth, but it would really help to know what is being emitted).
The government will be under considerable pressure to ensure that such a drastic power failure is not repeated, the BBC's Gary Duffy reports from Sao Paulo.
President Enrique Pena Nieto has promised that the Cassez case will not be repeated and urged the interior ministry and the attorney general's office to ensure that all police action takes place within the rule of law and respect for human rights.
The method, which is not without its critics in the teaching profession, assesses each child and gives them suitable exercises to be repeated until they are successful and move on to harder sums.
"We strongly hope that the state of Haryana would administer, according to law, prompt and just punishment to the perpetrators and effectively enforce law and order so that such (incidents) would not be repeated in the future, " AFP quoted from a Japanese embassy statement.
There is now a consensus that the massive bail-outs to shore up fixed-exchange-rate regimes (as in Russia or Brazil) should not be repeated.
The company also said once again that its own factories in Thailand have not been directly affected by the flooding, but it repeated that it will be constrained by component shortages tied to the floods.
FORBES: Seagate Sees Q4 Drive Industry Unit Shortfall From Floods
And finally, there are the repeated warnings policymakers have made to the biggest contractors that mergers between first-tier firms will not be approved.
FORBES: After Bin Laden, What Next For The Defense Industry?
Importantly, what lessons need to be learned by public authorities and emergency services so one of the worst fires in living memory is not repeated with such a tragic loss of life?
Reno rejected repeated GOP demands that the investigation be turned over to an independent counsel, saying she does not believe the Justice probe represents a conflict of interest under the Independent Counsel statute.
The arguments on the Humber Estuary are being repeated across the North of England as local authorities face up to the fact that they will not be able to meet tough new limits on the use of landfill set by both our Government and the European Commission.