Nyetimber, in West Sussex, said the quality and volume of the 2012 harvest was not up to standard.
Stoke-on-Trent City Council said the changes were because of the city's education was not up to standard, and because of declining pupil numbers and the poor condition of old school buildings.
Similarly, the proposition that Eximbank has obtained genuinely dedicated income streams to amortize the loans through escrow account arrangements does not measure up to standard commercial banking standards and practices.
"For sure the performance in qualifying was not up to our standard, " he said.
U.S. markets have been strong, although not up to the standard set by Germany, Japan, Hong Kong, India, and Brazil.
'Oh, we're not up to that standard, ' they told me, not understanding that I was asking about their sense of tradition.
So there was no national expectation of success at school for young people - although nearly half of 11 year-olds were not even up to standard in the basics of literacy and numeracy and a similar proportion left school at or soon after 16 with few if any qualifications.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Politics | Full text: Blair on public services
"This is an unacceptable situation and the minister must demonstrate a level of mercy in these cases and ensure that exemptions are provided for residents in these estates where the infrastructure has not been brought up to an adoptable standard, " she said.
"I'm not sure either of these teams are up to the standard, " said Tony Cottee, a former England international.
The teenager did not speak to the gathered crowd after her swim, instead going to the hospital for a standard check-up, a spokesman said.
Instead its up to individual stores to decide whether or not to offer the extended exchange period, or simply stick with the standard 14-day return policy.
ENGADGET: Some Apple stores offering exchanges on iPads purchased in the last 30 days
Compared to standard postpaid mobile plans, prepaid plans cost consumers less up front and do not require a contract.