"Getting into a pissing contest with the IRS is just not worth it, " warns Loggans, 51.
Often, I will determine that risking 5% to make 10% to 12% is not worth it.
If it's something that violates my core beliefs, then it's not worth it.
People just -- after a while, it's not worth it, in some cases.
WHITEHOUSE: "White House to Main Street" Town Hall: Elyria, OH
It might also look at poorer, normally Eastern European markets, and decide that the prices demanded are not worth it.
No, screening everyone in the herd is often not worth it, we are now finding out across multiple disease prevention spheres.
He's simply not worth it, despite being the best player in baseball.
Avoid extraneous spending (spending an extra few hundred to keep up with a vintage theme that no one will remember is not worth it).
This investment is not worth it for such a hefty premium.
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From a classical risk-reward perspective, it is simply not worth it.
FORBES: What Drives The Best Entrepreneurs? Hint: It's Not Money
Aldy said the economic benefits from avoided health problems and saved lives are clear while Cass said the cost to industry to adhere to the air pollution limits is not worth it.
"It's awfully good to excel at something while you are young, but if that means missing out on friends and other experiences you need for a fulfilling life, it's not worth it, " he says.
But Mr Bush, and perhaps his pugnacious ambassador too, seem to have been persuaded that the anger this would cause among Democrats, with whom Mr Bush is now obliged to work, was just not worth it.
WSJ: To Battle Iguanas, Puerto Rico Has New Plan: Put Them on Menu
Deductible IRAs (with the same maximum contributions) are available to those with lower incomes or without any other pension. (Nondeductible tax-deferred IRAs are open to all but are not worth it, given the current low top 15% tax rate on long-term capital gains and dividends.) While you're at it, consider doubling up and making your 2004 IRA contributions in January, too.
You can say it's not worth the money, it's not worth the risks.
The amount you could pay in overdraft and NSF fees adds up, and most of the time it's not really worth it.
Refinancing may not be worth it, even if possible: The fees may be too high.
Following such a path may or may not be worth it for an individual.
Even in a bad economy, the cheapest vendor may not be worth it if their services are subpar.
And taking two consecutive weeks of vacation might just leave you too far behind and therefore might not be worth it.
Hanging on to already discredited senior management might not be worth it.
Extra efforts to identify Diana Z. may not be worth it in a case like this, but Brompton feels otherwise, it still has options despite the court loss.
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Remember that UK dealers will try and emphasise problems with importing, and are likely to stress that their cars have superior specifications, but these may not be worth it.
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The extra amount was so elaborately laundered that it was not worth the effort of building it into the cases against the companies.