He has since decided that this stark notation isn't such a good idea after all.
The 3:51, 3:52 notation, Jordan telephones the president and talks to Debra Schiff (ph), his assistant.
Would you like to share with the audience what that sound effect notation is?
This suggests that the brain may treat musical notation as a form of language.
Aside from basic arithmetic, nonverbal symbols were restricted to musical notation (for an elite) and playing cards.
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Shashmaqom genre requires specially trained musicians because the standard notation system can record only the basic framework.
All the rules come first -- notes, chords, notation -- before they play.
Another feature is the ability to sing freely, without the help of notation.
He cited records showing that scores of calls within minutes were marked by a notation that means no responders were dispatched.
Once musicologist offered a detailed account with notation of how James Brown funkified(ph) the regular cadences of Stokely Carmichael's "Black Power" chant.
By explaining the components, notation lets the player see and analyze the song, sparking ideas about how to build a new creation.
Another set is essential for the advancement of knowledge, civilization and culture: notation, reading and writing, and the algorithms for logical thinking.
Throughout history, human beings have invented representational systems writing, music notation, double-entry bookkeeping to grasp with the mind what human hands could never touch.
Skitch is bundling a plain text notation mode just for that, too.
He managed hieroglyphs, musical notation and the first cursive font, for Mamie Eisenhower, who had tired of writing out White House invitations.
Larry Stewart said his tests showed the potentially exonerating notation was made with different ink, thereby suggesting that it might have been added later.
Most of the documents produced Friday, all but 200 of which can be found here, are simply copied to Kagan without notation by her.
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When placing the order online I saw a notation that the restaurant would call after the order was placed to get the credit card information.
In principle, I think this sounds like a fantastic idea, though no doubt it will take years to practically hammer out a formal, cross-disciplinary notation.
We covered concepts like Big O Notation and binary trees.
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It can be done by ear, but musical notation helps by turning sound into a visual medium, a common language for the consistent creation and sharing of the music.
This document is used to describe and define the type of content including the entities, attributes, elements and notation used for the Exhibit 53 for the BY11 budget cycle.
WHITEHOUSE: Office of E-Government & Information Technology: Strategies and Guides | The White House
This symbolic system of notation also has shown scholars how writing first developed to provide a permanent record of information rather than as a way to set down spoken language.
WSJ: The Ur-Metropolis | Uruk | Pergamon Museum | By A.J. Goldmann
This document is used to describe and define the type of content including the entities, attributes, elements and notation used for the Exhibit 300 Schema for the BY11 budget cycle.
WHITEHOUSE: Office of E-Government & Information Technology: Strategies and Guides | The White House
This document is used to describe and define the type of content including the entities, attributes, elements and notation used for the submission of Exhibit 300s for the BY11 budget cycle.
WHITEHOUSE: Office of E-Government & Information Technology: Strategies and Guides | The White House
Also on Thursday, a forensics expert testified Mr Bacanovic used a different ink to make a notation next to an entry for ImClone stock on a worksheet of Ms Stewart's stock sales.
"Supp Publ Opt, " is another notation made during a call a few minutes later, shorthand for supporting the public option that Obama and most Democrats would prefer to compete with private insurers.
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The representative did let me know that broken equipment could not be insured, so the fact that there was a lack of any notation in the file about the broken phone was to my advantage.
After transcribing the original score into a music-notation program, he worked through it bar-by-bar looking for errors, deciding how to rectify them, and eventually printing separate violin and piano parts to be rehearsed and performed.