But that is what Kiev and the rest of Ukraine are like: nothing ventured, nothing gained.
If, when something happens to one basket, it also happens to the others, nothing is gained.
General perception of the risk-seeking, nothing-ventured-nothing-gained entrepreneur would dictate that most business owners would plump for option 1.
FORBES: The Entrepreneur's Motivation: Not What You Think...
There is nothing to be gained--and fantastic opportunities to be lost--by the Administration's being timid.
Or more likely, he thinks there is nothing to be gained by attacking the bubble.
Inside a tax-sheltered IRA or 401(k) there is nothing to be gained with this kind of trading.
There is nothing to be gained from tolerating defects on the production line or mistakes in the operating theatre.
He gained nothing other than the knowledge he did some good.
Nothing would be gained from forcing industry, jobs and emissions abroad.
Nothing would be gained by the release of these photos that matters more than the lives of our young men and women serving in harm's way.
But, as with his income-tax cuts, the prime minister seems to have gained nothing from his announcement shortly before the elections that he would start bringing the troops home.
Again, there is absolutely nothing to be gained by workers from the shift to an annual match and, of course, workers, under ERISA, have no say in the matter.
Above all, they had hoped for a verdict on the war's last 60 hours, when a desperate last push deep into south Lebanon gained nothing but the deaths of 33 soldiers, a quarter of the war's total Israeli losses (some 1, 400 Lebanese are reckoned to have died).
If the Treasury chooses to claw back the additional revenues that local authorities earn from charges by reducing the overall sums going to transport, nothing worthwhile will have been gained.
One thing that I was relieved to discover when I reached the end of the book was that, while I certainly gained new insights into many specific issues from reading it, nothing I came across in Awakening Giants caused me to wish I could go back and alter fundamentally anything about my own brief treatment of China-India comparisons in China in the 21st Century.