There's nothing like when they announce you and they say, the No. 1 player in the world.
Abramovich offers you a team and you just smile like nothing happened?
Football is a results business, but on TDD nothing gets you going like all the rumour and speculation, wondering just whether Robbie Keane will move back to Tottenham from Liverpool.
There is nothing like seeing a real-life hero and dreaming you could be one too.
These titles are sure to make some people jump formats as there is nothing like Barry Manilow in high-def and so far, you can only get it on HD DVD.
ENGADGET: Paris Hilton, Barry Manilow, and others coming to HD DVD HD
And you all are doing it like nothing else.
WHITEHOUSE: The First Lady Speaks on the HealthierUS School Challenge
And the talking head media debate can get everybody confused, and cynical, and feeling like, you know what, nothing is changing.
You can be told the greatest joke in the world, the greatest news in the world, and you'll just feel like its nothing.
BBC: Call for campaign to raise awareness of suicide in young men
It's nothing like facing death that makes you have to make a decision to live and maximize life whether (unintelligible) to what they're telling you.
Winter's really not too bad and in the summer, there's nothing quite like putting all the windows down and catching a breeze as you roll under the canopy of giant, old oaks, passing the fabulous mansions of the Garden District.
As with jhilton, it sounds like you are saying that supply and demand have little or nothing to do with the price of oil.
FORBES: Obama Released the SPR, and All He Got Was...Nothing
Schwab's pitch (like that of Fidelity and others with supermarkets): You pay nothing extra for this convenience.
"There just seems to be nothing in place in stop them doing whatever they like and they just laugh at you, " he added.
You put your life into a chef's hands all the time when it comes to food safety (or if you're like me and have food allergies) but nothing is as serious as eating fugu.
WSJ: Marcus Samuelsson on Traveling to Japan to Eat Fugu | Traveler's Tale
More specifically, Bloomberg is reporting that Amazon is exploring a mobile payment service based on NFC technology, which would let you pay for items and receive things like loyalty points using nothing other than an NFC-equipped cellphone.
ENGADGET: Amazon said to be considering NFC-based mobile payment service
By setting up a few simple Excel formulas (nothing more complicated than addition and division, you can see what they look like in this sample spreadsheet), you can not only track your maintenance data (what the mechanics did, when they did it, how much it cost, and what the mileage was at the time) but also see your average daily mileage during each period between servicings.
Whichever way you looked, there was nothing but smoke and flame - it was like a scene from Dante's Inferno.
Whereas, this case there's anything - there's nothing like it because simply it was such a huge operation and went on for, you know, six years.
And you know how the arts can connect us to each other like nothing else can.
"It's one of these things where you cannot look and say 'It's worth X, ' because there's nothing like it, " he says, adding that the last 50-acre waterfront estate in Greenwich was sold and subdivided in 1954.
And nothing against the Giants - you know, I think the Giants would be a lot more like (unintelligible) if they weren't from New York.