He was notoriously difficult to please and viewed people and products in black and white terms.
Long an international byword for artistic conservatism, the Met was notoriously slow to embrace contemporary stagecraft.
WSJ: Long After the Initial Shock, Modernism Still Delivers | Sightings by Terry Teachout
Jailhouse informants, many of whom are seeking reduced time or special privileges, are notoriously unreliable.
For those of you who push yourselves to the limit, remember that fatigue is notoriously destructive.
Anti-trust and monopolistic practices in the high tech industry have been notoriously difficult to regulate.
FORBES: Consumers Would Like To See Samsung And Apple Reconcile
Only then will Japan's food production become competitive and its notoriously high costs fall.
Hong Kong property has notoriously been some of the most expensive in the world for years.
But companies are notoriously bad at evaluating their stock price, and tend to badly mistime buybacks.
FORBES: BP: $8 Billion Share Buyback After TNK-BP Sale Suggests Stock Is Cheap. Is It?
Mobile TV has been a notoriously difficult nut to crack in the U.S. market.
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Pricing of healthcare services is notoriously opaque and it is difficult to shop around.
FORBES: Healthcare Costs In Retirement -- An Alternative Plan To Traditional Saving
Admittedly I live in East Anglia, which is as notoriously flat as the Netherlands.
After all, he has already charmed a crowd that is notoriously hard to please.
Antibiotic-resistant bacteria infect 100, 000 patients a year, and they are notoriously hard to fight.
FORBES: How A New Machine Uses U.V. Rays To Blast Killer Bacteria
Ferraro's ties to New York, which is a notoriously blue state, were unsuccessful for the ticket.
Even the notoriously self-effacing Netherlanders admit that Dutch food is nothing to write home about.
In a democracy, popular opinion is notoriously fickle and frequently insusceptible to rational persuasion.
The modern American voter has been notoriously miserly in awarding trust to either party.
Hospital executive teams are generally weak in many local communities, and physicians notoriously hard to manage.
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The latter is a real possibility, because many consumers are notoriously bad at math.
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One high-ranking chemicals executive told me the scenario is surprisingly rosy for this notoriously low-margin business.
But Florida is also notoriously expensive, and that means his coffers will have to grow exponentially.
In our book, that makes her almost famous, because women are notoriously bad askers.
This is no coincidence, for the Empire State has a tax burden that is notoriously heavy.
Berkley has thrived in a notoriously competitive business by going after underserved niche markets.
For example, medical doctors have long been notoriously unwilling to carry laptops, or email patients.
FORBES: Facebook: Why businesses need to use it - and its new email client
Apart from anything else, it was notoriously difficult ever to find a book there.
Bookselling giant Amazon.com is notoriously absent, as both an outlet and a form factor.
He was also curious to see what went on inside these notoriously opaque institutions.
Indeed, some of the greatest with these skills have been notoriously cack-handed with matters technical.
FORBES: What A Great Job: Writing The Scripts For Apple's Siri
RealJukebox can automatically compress music files to save space in notoriously cramped portable MP3 players.