Snappily titled "Novice Monks Cultivate Dharma Wisdom, " it was a surprise hit.
WSJ: In Thailand Today, Teen Monks Express the Spirit to a Rock Beat
Thai cable network True Corp. this year began airing a live, rolling documentary about the lives of nine novice monks ordained at a temple in eastern Bangkok.
WSJ: In Thailand Today, Teen Monks Express the Spirit to a Rock Beat
His temple belongs to the Shingon sect, whose central rite is the fire ceremony, goma, in which novice monks burn pine branches and recite sutras for seven days.
With more Thais going online, often through mobile phones, some of the country's novice monks are becoming online media stars, jarring an older generation that doesn't quite know what to make of it all.
WSJ: In Thailand Today, Teen Monks Express the Spirit to a Rock Beat