• The introduction of swaps based on the NPI was developed for the private equity sector.

    FORBES: A Guide To Real Estate Derivatives

  • Therefore, we plan to continue our efforts to develop NPI 32101 for a variety of disease conditions.

    FORBES: Nucryst's Nano Silver Lining

  • One of the authors of the NPI report, Guy Palmer, said the government's figures were "possibly over-optimistic".

    BBC: Poverty report challenges Blair

  • Established in 1984, NPI is involved in building capacity and skills of Nepali journalists through short-term and long-term courses.

    UNESCO: Pioneering online training for journalists launched

  • If these two trials come out positive on the NPI, then the drug still may have a shot at getting approved.

    FORBES: A Ray Of Hope For Medivation

  • One of the pilot sites for the developing the NPI approach is the Rio Tinto QMM ilmenite ore mining operation in Madagascar.

    FORBES: Connect

  • Importantly, the implementation of the NPI approach means that the company is committing significant funds to biodiversity actions in and around its mining sites.

    FORBES: Connect

  • The National Council of Real Estate Investment Fiduciaries (NCREIF) Property Index (NPI) is the accepted index created to provide an instrument to gauge the investment performance of the commercial real estate market.

    FORBES: A Guide To Real Estate Derivatives

  • Assuming that there are investors for both sides of the trade, two investors wishing to trade one property exposure for another could trade the return of the NPI for that particular property type for another.

    FORBES: A Guide To Real Estate Derivatives

  • The report, written by the New Policy Institute (NPI) for the foundation, found 232 local authorities had devised schemes that would demand council tax from everyone regardless of income, while 58 will retain current levels of support for families.

    BBC: Poorest face council tax rise, says anti-poverty group

  • In the case of an investor going long the total return of the NCREIF index, he or she would accept the total return on the NPI (paid quarterly) on a predetermined notional amount and agree to pay the LIBOR rate, plus a spread on the same notional amount.

    FORBES: A Guide To Real Estate Derivatives

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