Those insights are drawn from an annual report by the NaturalResourcesDefenseCouncil(NRDC) released today as the nation gears up for Memorial Day Weekend.
In 2012, the Sierra Club, NaturalResourcesDefenseCouncil(NRDC) and Defenders of Wildlife also filed suit to stop another 663 megawatt 4, 600-acre Calico solar plant to be built on 7.2 square miles in the Mohave Desert northeast of Los Angeles.
This is the situation currently unfolding at the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), where regulators have until March 31 to comply with a consent judgment by responding to a petition by the NaturalResourcesDefenseCouncil(NRDC) to ban the use of the chemical bisphenol A (BPA) in food packaging, food containers and other materials likely to be ingested or to come into contact with food.