• By settling with NTP, RIM has eliminated the possibility of suffering that heavy blow.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • BBHub - Lesson for all in RIM-NTP dispute: should software be patentable at all?

    ENGADGET: Judgment Day arrives for RIM Mobile

  • Balsillie is also appealing a judgment awarding Virginia patent house NTP an 8.5% royalty on U.S. Blackberry sales.

    FORBES: BlackBerry Jam

  • But all the trouble and resultant bad press would probably force RIM to settle quickly--and on NTP's terms.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Or will Spencer decide to delay his ruling in light of recent patent rulings against RIM's archrival, NTP?

    ENGADGET: Judgment Day arrives for RIM Mobile

  • Another possible scenario has RIM and NTP settling before Spencer makes his ruling.

    FORBES: RIM's Last Shot?

  • The agreement ends a lawsuit from Virginia-based NTP, which alleged that RIM's BlackBerry wireless e-mail service infringed upon their patents.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • But at the moment, NTP has the advantage, and it seems unlikely it would cash out before getting a ruling.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Last year a communications catastrophe was avoided when BlackBerry maker Research in Motion agreed to settle with NTP over a patent infringement lawsuit.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • But he says he expects Spencer to grant a delay long enough for RIM to keep service running while not infringing on NTP's patents.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • In a big ruling in 2002, a jury in Virginia found that, indeed, five patents had been infringed and they gave an award to NTP.

    NPR: Slate's Jurisprudence: BlackBerry Net to Go Dark?

  • Will RIM CEO James Balsille decide he can't stand the pressure anymore, and just write a big check to NTP to end the long-running conflict?

    ENGADGET: Judgment Day arrives for RIM Mobile

  • The hearing was part of an ongoing a lawsuit from Virginia-based NTP , which alleges that RIM's BlackBerry wireless e-mail service infringes upon its patents.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • It's a dispute between the Canadian-based maker of BlackBerry, the firm called Research In Motion, and a very small licensing company here in Virginia called NTP.

    NPR: Slate's Jurisprudence: BlackBerry Net to Go Dark?

  • It came despite aggressive statements made by Balsillie last week: he repeatedly denounced NTP's patent claims and accused the company of being disingenuous in its settlement offers.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • In 2001, Virgina-based patent holding company NTP filed suit against RIM, alleging patent infringement, and since then, the case has plugged along through various courts and appeals.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • He says the new technology wouldn't infringe on NTP's patents.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Meanwhile, word is out that the US Patent and Trademark Office has issued a final rejection of another NTP patent, following the first such rejection, which occurred earlier this week.

    ENGADGET: RIM judge doesn't order shutdown, mulls final decision

  • The judge also criticized both RIM and rival NTP for not settling the case sooner, leading to speculation that a speedy settlement would convince the judge to make today's decision final.

    ENGADGET: RIM judge doesn't order shutdown, mulls final decision

  • If the work-arounds actually work, that means RIM is under less pressure to sign a costly settlement with NTP and can continue to fight the case in court or haggle for a cheaper deal.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Complicating RIM's prospects is the likelihood that even if it can get a good settlement, the company will be hit with lawsuits from shareholders angry that it spent so much time and money to fight NTP's claim.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Wireless email giant Research In Motion has taken a big hit in its long running legal dispute with NTP, and now faces the prospect of paying more than a billion dollars to get itself out of trouble.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • In 2001, Virgina-based patent holding company NTP filed suit against RIM (nasdaq: RIMM - news - people ), alleging patent infringement, and since then, the case has plugged along through various courts and appeals.

    FORBES: Balsillie's RIM Takes Hit In NTP Case

  • Criticism over unseemly influence from corporate sponsors forced the NTP to revise its study, but a draft of its new report (published earlier this year) came to many of the same conclusions much to the chemical industry's relief.

    ECONOMIST: The plastics industry��s Pyrrhic victory

  • Earlier this week, NTP co-founder Donald Stout told the press that RIM could avoid that fate if it makes one giant payment, no strings attached, for 5.7% of RIM's projected U.S. sales through the life of the contested patents, which expire in 2012.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • The pressure is on RIM Co-Chief Executive JamesBalsillieJames Balsillie to quickly resolve his company's patent dispute with NTP , and now the maker of the popular BlackBerry wireless email devices has returned to the bargaining table and is engaging in settlement talks through a court-appointed mediator.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • You'll have to read the Times profile for the full story, but whether or not NTP acted ethically (or illegally), or preyed on Goodfellow's disdain for patents or his free-market attitude isn't exactly making the bad taste in our mouths from the settlement taste any better.

    ENGADGET: Geoff Goodfellow, early inventor of wireless email, profiled

  • And in the meantime, BlackBerry is relying on very recent rulings that are coming out of the United States Patent Office, who are re-evaluating the patents held by NTP and saying, at least preliminarily, that these patents are not valid, which would make the whole case go away.

    NPR: Slate's Jurisprudence: BlackBerry Net to Go Dark?

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