He has also declared darkly that Russia will press ahead with modernising its nuclear arsenal.
America's nuclear arsenal is assumed to deter chemical and biological threats as well as nuclear ones.
He said that Mr Yeltsin was still in control of the country's nuclear arsenal.
Imagine that President Obama has his way and the U.S. nuclear arsenal is reduced to 1, 000 deployed warheads.
The U.S. nuclear arsenal protects allies including Australia, Japan and South Korea, with whom America has treaty commitments.
Until then, Dr. Perry and others blithely aver that our nuclear arsenal must be kept safe and reliable.
The Base Force proposed a 25 percent reduction in conventional forces and reductions in the U.S. strategic nuclear arsenal.
Mr Biden said without such approval, the US would be unable to inspect and track the Russian nuclear arsenal.
BBC: Biden warns failure to pass nuclear treaty endangers US
In Europe, an oil-rich Russia is rebuilding its conventional arsenal while modernizing (as have China and Pakistan) its nuclear arsenal.
As far as Obama is concerned, the nuclear arsenal in most urgent need of evisceration is the US's nuclear arsenal.
Once the US exposed its nuclear arsenal, however, the Soviet Union's race to acquire nuclear weapons of its own began.
If the renewal is a success, it will leave Russia less reliant on the nuclear arsenal it inherited from the USSR.
Today it has just nine, so a single problem with one type could affect a large fraction of the nuclear arsenal.
Those captured documents included Iraqi nuclear bomb designs that could be useful for other states working to build a nuclear arsenal.
Ratification would effectively preclude the United States from ever validating its nuclear arsenal via the only tried-and-true means: actual explosive detonations.
Because if this is their view, then by their own reasoning, Israel's presumed nuclear arsenal is necessary to deter Teheran from attacking.
With a nuclear arsenal at Saddam's disposal, would the U.S. have attacked?
The treaty aims to reduce the nuclear arsenal of the two countries.
BBC: Biden warns failure to pass nuclear treaty endangers US
The main purpose of America's huge nuclear arsenal remains that of deterrence.
He has abandoned the US's quiet defense of Israel's purported nuclear arsenal.
This is all the more astounding since, during this period, uncertainty has steadily grown about the actual condition of the U.S. nuclear arsenal.
Where the guide fails to provide details, however, the administration's actions regarding America's nuclear arsenal emphasize reductions rather than maintaining a strong deterrent.
Consult with leaders of those nations who depend on the U.S. nuclear arsenal for their security, either directly as allies or indirectly through U.N.
Bush says he's ready to cast off outdated Cold War strategies, and have the United States lead by example in cutting its nuclear arsenal.
CNN: Bush's missile defense plans may be indistinct from Clinton-Gore's
And Kazakhstan 20 years ago was the first country to close its nuclear test site -- in Semipalatinsk we voluntarily renounced our nuclear arsenal.
The total nuclear arsenal of every nation on Earth combined is probably somewhat less than 100, 000 megatons, so we come up a bit short.
The site produced plutonium for the bomb dropped on the Japanese city Nagasaki and continued producing plutonium for the US nuclear arsenal for years.
FORBES: Nuclear Waste Leaks Worse than Thought in Washington
Obama's article, "Breaking the war mentality, " was ostensibly a feature story showcasing two student organizations that advocated a freeze in the US's nuclear arsenal.
The Obama administration recently offered another olive branch to Russia, indicating that it would deactivate one-third of the U.S. nuclear arsenal unilaterally, without congressional approval.
In other words, the Russians are going to undergo a substantial contraction in the size of its strategic nuclear arsenal, whether we do or not.