The nuclear deterrent is not the only element of America's commitment to the region, of course.
The home of the UK's nuclear deterrent, Trident, is currently at Faslane on the Clyde.
Until that day arrives, no U.S. President can afford to let our nuclear deterrent erode.
It's not just critics of the nuclear deterrent that question whether that's still a reasonable figure.
Is it possible to maintain a safe and reliable nuclear deterrent without realistic underground testing?
The Lib Dem cabinet minister said a new continuous sea-based nuclear deterrent was "not financially realistic".
We believe that the United States will require for the foreseeable future a credible nuclear deterrent.
Russia has voiced strong opposition to the plan, saying it undermines the value of its nuclear deterrent.
Incredibly, in the face of these emerging threats, the United States continues to neglect its nuclear deterrent.
Now let me begin by discussing why I believe that the U.S. nuclear deterrent remains important and relevant.
They are urging the government to scrap the UK's nuclear deterrent developed at AWE - and cancel its replacement.
BBC: Berkshire protest against Trident nuclear weapons system
Beyond a commitment to maintain Britain's nuclear deterrent, he said little about equipment.
ECONOMIST: The defence vote in Portsmouth: England expects | The
Mr Blair said that he had tried to picture himself telling Parliament that he was giving up Britain's nuclear deterrent.
ECONOMIST: The decision to renew Trident was a foregone conclusion
We are also rapidly dismantling or otherwise allowing to atrophy the industrial infrastructure and skilled workforce that supports our nuclear deterrent.
The Trident missile system, Britain's nuclear deterrent, is carried by submarines based at the Faslane naval base on the Clyde, near Helensburgh.
Workers at the firm that builds warheads for Trident, the UK's nuclear deterrent, have been urged to accept an improved pay offer.
In the past, as many of you know, presidents of both parties, Republican and Democrat, have been committed to our nuclear deterrent.
Question: Would you agree to scrap the U.S. nuclear deterrent, or at least commit to do so, under present and foreseeable world conditions?
However, one thing that has not changed is that the security of America continues to rest upon the strength of our nuclear deterrent.
Workers at the firm that builds warheads for Trident, the UK's nuclear deterrent, have voted in favour of accepting an improved pay offer.
For the rest of the world, and especially for India's neighbours, the main concern is the future of India's newly tested nuclear deterrent.
Mr Salmond confirms that Britain's submarine-based nuclear deterrent would have to leave its current home in the deep waters of a Scottish loch.
ECONOMIST: Scotland��s referendum: If at first you don��t succeed | The
The United States says a missile-defense system is aimed at preventing missile attacks from rogue states such as Iran, not at blunting Russia's nuclear deterrent.
During first minister's questions on Tuesday, Carwyn Jones suggested the nuclear deterrent could come to Milford Haven if forced to look for a home elsewhere.
However, the government says it will preserve a "vital nuclear deterrent".
But critics say Trident is too expensive, and there have been calls to either scrap the nuclear deterrent or switch to a cheaper land-based missile system.
The vessels currently provide a nuclear deterrent because the submarines, under the waves in secret locations, would be almost impossible to destroy in a pre-emptive strike.
This means having a nuclear deterrent, a deployable army division, a blue-water navy with two aircraft carriers, and an air force with fighters and deep-strike jets.
If it's not buying a nuclear deterrent from a US company, it's working with fellow Europeans on some rather significant defence equipment, such as fighter aircraft.
He understands that as defense cuts lead to a decline in our conventional strength, the importance of our nuclear deterrent will only increase in future years.