Looking at the numbers, however, nuclearpower has resulted in far fewer accidental deaths per unit of energy than other major forms of powergeneration.
Working toward a goal of increasing its nuclearpowergeneration to 5% of its energy needs, from less than 2% currently, over the next decade, China has 20 reactors under construction and plans for an additional 120 in pipeline.
He told MPs that wind turbines were "probably the most beautiful and graceful form of energygeneration and certainly prettier than the average nuclearpower station".
Prime Minister Tony Blair told the CBI last November that the new Energy Review would consider the development of a new generation of nuclearpower stations.
Proposing an urgent question to Mr Huhne on 11 October 2011, Mr Flynn accused the government of colluding with the energy companies to ensure the accident in Japan did not derail plans for the next generation of UK nuclearpower stations.