My advice may not eliminate the sting entirely, but perhaps it will numb it a bit.
In December Ain't It Cool's Harry Knowles showed the film as part his 24-hour Austin-based film festival known as the Butt-Numb-A-Thon.
Or would you more likely grow weary of the C30 Polestar, with its daily experiments in turbo'ed torque-steer, its girlie clutch, and its wildly over-assisted steering, as numb as a well-digger's bottom?
Prepare yourself mentally for the embarrassment of a numb backside.
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Next time you are outside, cowering under a parka, your toes going numb, imagine strutting in a bathing suit with those toes in the sand, along warm, bright blue waters beckoning you to take a relaxing float.
It's not uncommon for a body part to go numb after staying in the same position for a long time, whether sitting or standing.
"I'm still a little numb, " she says.
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And once you've formed those connections, you'll find that it's a little harder to numb yourself to other people's suffering.
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Solicitor Carl Richmond told BBC Radio 4's World at One programme that AF, who had been confined to his home for up to 16 hours a day as a result of the order, felt numb.
The band featured in the BBC News website's Sound of 2004 talent list and attracted attention in the UK with a house cover of Pink Floyd's Comfortably Numb.
Stepping onto the main street of Nong Khiaw from the vehicle, it takes a while to shake off the bruised and slightly numb feeling that comes from riding along the heavily potholed roads of rural Laos.
If a baby gets too much, the throat can become numb and it may cause problems with swallowing.
It was a huge shock to her, and for weeks after she was numb with grief, she said.
Whether that's what the 24-year-old star was aiming for is hard to say, but he sleepwalks through this tearjerker with a blank look and delivers his (admittedly awful) lines with numb detachment.
You'll receive a medication to help you relax and usually an injection of anesthetic to numb your eye.
The two vocalists teamed up for a rendition of Pink Floyd's 1979 hit, "Comfortably Numb, " alternating on the song's lyrics.
Over the years Mali - routinely, and lazily hailed abroad as a beacon of democracy in West Africa - had shown signs of becoming numb to its own deep internal problems.
You would not give your Gold Amex to a stranger in the street, so don't e-mail its numb er to any old website.
For a while, he lay like that, feeling not refreshed from the rest but only numb.