Additionally, companies engage in increasingly complex business relationships with contractors, partners, and suppliers, and often the number of non-traditional employees that need to access corporate assets exceeds the number of employees that need access!
The denominator is the total number of employees plus people who are connected to your employees plus the number of people who have viewed your employee profiles.
At Cisco Systems, the number of mobile devices could soon outnumber the number of employees.
FORBES: Connecting marketers to the Forbes audience. What is this?
Only 6.65 percent of those surveyed expect businesses to reduce or significantly reduce the number of employees on the payroll.
When Boehner was asked about the impact of the Republican sponsored cuts on jobs, the Speaker first attempted to deflect the question by lying about the number of federal employees added since the beginning of the Obama administration.
FORBES: GOP Budget Cuts Lead To One Million Lost Jobs - But Protect Boehner's Congressional District
By the end of 2012, the number of employees will have rebounded to 3, 600, with plans for more.
FORBES: Why Apple Is Bringing Manufacturing Back To The United States
Cook conceded there have been widespread violations of the number of hours employees should be allowed to work.
LinkedIn has doubled the number of sales employees in the past year, with the company now spending 33% of revenue on sales and marketing.
In a survey of 950 companies, the International Facility Management Association, a trade group for office-facility managers, found 60% had some unassigned workspaces in their offices, and about half said the number of employees using the unassigned space had increased in the past two years.
According to a recent article on, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reported in October that the number of employees voluntarily quitting their jobs had eclipsed the number terminated through layoffs and other types of discharges.
FORBES: Quitting's on the Rise: Five Ways to Retain Quality Talent
During the course of next the year the company intends to develop a number of actions to assist employees impacted by the cessation of Fiesta production in Dagenham.
The survey also asked about the number of employees and about the average employee workweek.
That's more than the total number of employees in the manufacturing sector of the economy.
WSJ: Nicholas Eberstadt: Yes, Mr. President, We Are a Nation of Takers
Charles Yi, 62, stands accused of underreporting the number of employees on his payroll as a way of reducing his workers' comp premiums.
For many of Manpower's bigger multinational clients, the number of temporary employees, ranging from those on short-term contracts to consultants, can represent around a fifth of the workforce.
The company said the impact on staff would be minimised by natural turnover and redeployment, and the number of permanent employees who would leave the company was estimated to be about 800.
Vechey also points out that even after the cutbacks, PopCap will end the year with roughly the same number of employees it started the year with.
The latest deals, combined with the acquisition of North Sea Lifting in June, have boosted the number of Asco employees worldwide from 1, 600 to more than 2, 000.
Where it was struggling in North America, the world's largest chemical market, BASF has streamlined operations, closing old plants, acquiring a slew of new businesses and cutting the number of employees by 15%.
The increased level of automation will involve changes in the qualification and training of the employees but can involve a reduction in the number of jobs for entry-level employees in a number of industries.
With a thorough quality assurance process in place to test and confirm the Note II enterprise capabilities, SAFE systematically meets the rapidly evolving needs of IT and the growing number of businesses allowing employees to "bring your own device" (BYOD) to work.
ENGADGET: Sprint's Galaxy Note II to arrive October 25th, with LTE and $300 price tag
Even more meaningful, outside of the police and teachers, the number of city employees went from 117, 000 to 97, 000.
More than half of respondents said clients plan to keep the number of employees they have currently.
But the number of employees working full-time has fallen 120, 000 and the number of self-employed people working full time has risen by 132, 000.
Last week, we learned that Wal-Mart is going to cut health care benefits for employees working less than 30 hours per week (and plan to adjust worker schedules to increase the number of employees working fewer hours), sending many of their workers into the Medicaid system where the taxpayer will be paying the bill.
As the chart below shows, the number of employees in a business has a very large effect on whether or not the company offers employee health insurance.
FORBES: Are Rising Costs Why Small Businesses Don't Offer Employee Health Insurance?
Earlier this year, IBM stopped reporting the number of employees by country, making it extremely difficult to know how many jobs are left in the United States.
Job growth has been sluggish during the economic recovery, but most of our top 100 companies added headcount the past three years (only four reduced the number of employees).
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As the business (and the number of employees) is growing faster than we expected, we are now learning how to shed the startup mindset and operate more systematically in order to keep on top of our growth.
The index for number of employees was slightly positive, while the average workweek index was slightly negative.