• Is it possible to work out how many kinds of chocolate there are, and their relative numbers, without tipping them all out on the floor and counting the number of each type?

    ECONOMIST: Statistics

  • The bottom line is that human beings have brains capable of counting to high numbers and manipulating them, so we use mathematics as a useful tool to describe the world around us.

    FORBES: Does Math Really Exist?

  • The parental emotion is as simple as a learning to count and as strange as discovering that the series of numbers, the counting, never ends.

    BBC: A Point of View: The pain when children fly the nest

  • To test the theory, researchers gave 132 participants one of three tasks: using tweezers to remove small pieces from slots in the Japanese equivalent of the board game Operation, counting the appearances of a digit in a block of numbers, and a reaction time test.

    FORBES: The Hello Kitty Effect: Viewing Cute Pictures Can Improve Job Performance

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