Just make sure the numerator and denominator are measured over the same timespan.
Why doesn't O'Shaughnessy use enterprise value instead of market value in his numerator?
As that denominator is going down those non-income taxes you included in the numerator become more and more significant.
FORBES: Romney Accountant's Letter - Exercise In Obfuscation ?
Of course when you are doing that you are reducing the numerator of the fraction that you want to keep over 13%.
FORBES: Romney Accountant's Letter - Exercise In Obfuscation ?
In a fraction, if the denominator drops a lot, the numerator only has to increase a little for the value to go up big.
The analyst is concerned with the growth rate of cash flow (the numerator) and the interest rate by which those cash flows are discounted (the denominator).
FORBES: A Record Stock Market with Record Federal Debt: Does This Make Sense?
The numerator is the total number of people who follow you, have looked at or applied for a job, and have viewed a career or company page.
Those actions will boost the numerator in its capital ratio.
In essence, this creates an equation in which the variable numerator among coaches, resources, is divided over a constant denominator, wins and losses against the same pool of competition.
Why, you may ask, can't the FPC therefore instruct the banks to leave the denominator alone and simply increase the numerator, by going to their shareholders for more equity capital?
What irks me about Obama is that he wants to increase the burden of government spending, which means the numerator in the equation is going in the wrong direction.
If raising public investment increases the government's assets, it's even possible that it could lower net debt - ie cut the numerator - as well as increasing GDP. (I said it was nerdy).
But as I explained above, boosting capital ratios can be achieved either by elevating the numerator - the acquisition of new capital - or by diminishing the denominator, through cutting the provision of loans.
As it happens, most of the variation in the price of oil over the past 40 years has reflected changes in the value of the dollar (the denominator) rather than the value of oil (the numerator).