April is the deadliest month for tornadoes, and the numerical frequency peaks in May.
Numerical relativity calculations continue to bear fruit for researchers exploiting the Sony Playstation 3.
U.S. officials have said that Russia has an astounding 10 to 1 numerical advantage.
But Villa eventually made their numerical advantage tell through Young, who superbly finished from 20 yards.
Why are you against numerical targets as a way of measuring the openness of Japan's markets?
However, the French side belied their numerical disadvantage when Malzieu ran in at the corner.
From a purely numerical standpoint, this is the type of environment that economists dream about.
The Maastricht Treaty (Article 121) fixed numerical targets for states seeking accession to the European Union.
Yet, that is precisely what happens with numerical and statistical method: form is mistaken as substance.
So on a purely numerical basis, PSMT does not seem like such a big deal.
Citigroup and Wells Fargo also mentioned potential losses in SEC filings without giving numerical estimates.
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The new test will be less predictable and include verbal reasoning, numerical and visual communication parts.
Given the pager's limited message space, American teens have devised a special numerical code.
Wisconsin is one of the few states to introduce, in 2010, statewide numerical limits for phosphorus.
Market information may be hard to display, but at least the data are numerical.
This numerical blind spot remains even when the deal clearly favours the discounted product.
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Still, given the numerical and procedural odds against it, the opposition will struggle to make headway.
Much of the research concerns learning deficits, such as dyslexia and its numerical analogue, dyscalculia.
Maybe they even assign a numerical value to each pro and con and add up the numbers.
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Set for the world as a whole, the numerical targets do not fit any country in particular.
Tokyo adamantly opposes renewing this agreement or making any trade deal that sets numerical targets for imports.
And yet this numerical correlation does not prove that governments can merely increase pay to eliminate corruption.
Despite Munster's numerical advantage, Clermont did all the attacking in the early part of the second half.
The study also noted that linking pay to numerical targets can tempt staff to fiddle the figures.
Parrots, chimpanzees and even pigeons have been shown to have an advanced understanding of numerical concepts.
Yet despite their numerical disadvantage, Saints held on to send St Mary's into scenes of wild celebration.
In addition to a new numerical scale, at least one company is assigning letter grades to those scores.
Imagine, just as a made up numerical example, that Buffett outperformed the market every single year by 1%.
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The mechanism for the large supporting force of the artificial legs was theoretically explained by a numerical model.
He then added up the two rankings, and invested in the stocks with the lowest combined numerical ranking.