We need to provide parents with better nutritional information so that they can make better choices.
Many restaurants currently post nutritional information in a hallway, on a hamburger wrapper or on their website.
Over 5, 700 groups have partnered with the USDA to get simple nutritional information to families across the country.
Food supplements, their nutritional information and health claims will be regulated in law if the States of Guernsey agrees.
You can also access calorie counts and nutritional information from local restaurants, taking the guesswork out of eating out.
The aim is to tag each one with its maker and nutritional information, then tie those in with sales data.
McDonald's, which already provides nutritional information about its products, has been experimenting with printing the details on its paper tray-liners.
They added Jamie's most recent book already had nutritional information per serving.
European regulations, which were agreed at the end of last year, said nutritional information must be labelled either per portion or per 100g.
Then, consumers can home in even more to see the nutritional information and other product facts without going back and forth among pages.
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It also lists valuable information like final serving size, nutritional information, the number of pans needed for each dish and the cost per serving.
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If the governor signs it into law, the legislation would prevent Mississippi counties, districts and towns from banning food based on its nutritional information.
For several years now, some food producers have been supplementing the government-mandated back or side panel labels with front-of-package panels that highlight certain nutritional information.
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Those will still be required to provide nutritional information to customers.
They're providing nutritional information to children as part of the curriculum, and they're ensuring that children are getting the increased exercise that we know that they need.
More than 6, 100 community groups and 100 national organizations and corporations have partnered with the USDA to give families across the country access to this important nutritional information.
Additional nutritional information would have to be available upon request.
However, the researchers did call for chefs and publishers to put nutritional information alongside their recipes in cookbooks to allow budding chefs to make a more informed choice about the nutritional content of their meals.
Operating along the same lines, fellow fast-food purveyor Burger King introduced a new "low-fat platform" consisting largely of chicken sandwiches and Wendy's (nyse: WEN - news - people ) expanded its Web site to include more nutritional information.
Lieberman says that means each store has to send all of those items out to labs to be tested, do paperwork to justify the ingredient and nutritional information for each item to the FDA and then create signage and train employees to use it.
To ensure that consumers have a consistent product day to day, month to month and year to year, producers regulate the composition of milk fat, so contents of every like carton are indistinguishable, and of course, remain true to the nutritional information on the packaging.
The committee has asked the Scottish government to monitor the types of procedures carried out on different patient groups, to evaluate the success of multi-million pound initiatives to improve health in deprived areas, and to say how it intends to improve nutritional information on food.
Developed by Hannes Harms, a design engineering student at the Royal College of Art in London, these little markers would allow consumers to trace the entire supply chain behind every item in their cupboard, while feeding valuable nutritional information to dieters or people with particularly dangerous food allergies.
Which? compared the nutritional content of the bars using the manufacturers' information and applied traffic light labelling to see if the levels of fat, saturated fat, sugar and salt were high, medium or low.