The size of an object in space has been traditionally measured by looking at how much sunlight is reflected from it.
Microlensing occurs when a massive object in space, like a star, crosses in front of another star shining in the background.
The German Space Agency (DLR) is developing a project called DEOS that would demonstrate the robotic capture of a tumbling object in space.
The laser would only singe the surface of an object in space, but that tiny burn could still help point it downward, Dr. Campbell says.
WSJ: A Cosmic Question: How to Get Rid Of All That Orbiting Space Junk?
Then a marine geologist, James Kennett of the University of California, Santa Barbara, said he had found evidence of the impact of a large object from space 12, 900 years ago, in the form of carbon spherules in silt.
WSJ: Matt Ridley on New Support for a Global-Cooling Theory | Mind & Matter
And a strange new space object has just been discovered by a Dutch schoolteacher named Hanny van Arkel.
"There is a high possibility that the object spotted this morning... on social media, is an object from outer space, " Saran Poshyachinda, Deputy Director of National Astronomical Research Institute of Thailand, told CNN.
If an object floating through space passes near the line of sight between the earth and a distant star, its gravity should, according to the theory of relativity, bend and focus the light from that star.
We do not know how to make an object invisible in physical space.
FORBES: Cyber Security Fails As 3.6 Million Social Security Numbers Breached In South Carolina
This seminar enabled participants to better understand all stages from conception to completion of exhibitions, whether temporary or permanent, thinking of exhibitions as a whole where each component (time, space, object, support, information, text, still and moving images, sound composition) participates in the project designed and completed.
It says that if in this space any closed-curve object, such as a rubber band, can be shrunk to a point, then the space is topologically equivalent to a sphere.
It is more likely, then, that the object was floating free in space, and was captured by the sun's gravity in what was, in astronomical terms, the fairly recent past.
Like a black hole, a wormhole would be a massive gravitational space and time warping object.
The BBC and others noted, for example, when a flat region was hidden under a "carpet", when the carpet hid a 3D object, and when the carpet was dispensed with and a 3D object was hidden in "free space".
The preferred way to deal with rogue asteroids is still a Hollywood-style heroic space mission to knock the object off course, or possibly blow it up although almost surely as an unmanned effort.
ECONOMIST: The American Association for the Advancement of Science
"But our concerns with Iran's development of space launch vehicle technologies are obviously well-known: Any space launch vehicle capable of placing an object in orbit is directly relevant to the development of long-range ballistic missiles, " she told reporters.
Observations made by Tony Beresford in Australia indicate that the object's position does not match any known piece of space junk.
The US space agency's (Nasa) Near Earth Object programme reports on its website that it has recorded 1068 known "Potentially Hazardous Asteroids", however there are thousands more estimated to be present in space.
The Lebanese authorities clearly object to Israel's almost routine infringement of their air-space but have very little ability to do much about it.
The longer the distance between the two points in physical space, the more effort it takes to get an object from point A to point B.
FORBES: Cyber Security Fails As 3.6 Million Social Security Numbers Breached In South Carolina
Space debris is tracked by the United States Space Surveillance Network that uses radar that can detect an object the size of a pea at 400 miles.
The Wise telescope instead looks at the infrared light emitted from space rocks, which is related to the temperature of the object.
This exploits one of the predictions of Einstein's general theory of relativity: that the path of a beam of light (which is a straight line in empty space) is bent inwards by the gravity of a massive object.
ECONOMIST: Cosmology: I spy with my little gravitational lens | The
J002E3, as the object was called, actually skimmed past the Moon before whizzing back out into deeper space, disappointing the scientists.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Magazine | One giant (scrap)heap for mankind?
As we discussed in previous chapters, every object, like a computer, can also be a part of a private cyber space.
FORBES: Cyber Security Fails As 3.6 Million Social Security Numbers Breached In South Carolina
The US space agency's (Nasa) Associate Administrator for Space Operations, Bill Gerstenmaier, said it was the closest a debris object had ever come to the station.
The report also examines the possibility that it could have been space junk burning up on re-entry -- citing the Satview website, which notes that an object from orbit was due to burn through Earth's atmosphere at around that time.