Officials had recommended that the council should not raise an objection to the development.
The main objection to the drug, he says, is that it's too good to be true.
Our guess is that President Obama's real objection to Medicaid block grants is political.
Nokia said it filed the objection to stop Google's software replacing more open alternatives.
The RSPB said it would be sending an objection to the lifting of the conditions.
He was commonly called a centrist and had no particular objection to the label.
The Republicans objection to tax rises is well known, but may not be absolute.
One of my many reasons for not being a Christian is my objection to compulsory love.
WSJ: Christopher Hitchens on Forced Merriment, the True Spirit of Christmas
There also was no objection to Simpson adding two lawyers to his team, including F.
The European Commission announced on Tuesday it had no objection to Mannesmann's purchase of Orange.
The third objection to denial is that fears of contagion are growing, not receding.
There are many sincere members of parliament who genuinely do not see the objection to this.
One objection to the market-based system is the financial barriers faced by low-wage immigrants.
The statement also said Washington will drop its objection to Libya's attempts to enter the World Trade Organization.
And in areas such as Schengen, there can be little real objection to an advance guard plunging ahead.
South Yorkshire Police have said they have no objection to the match being staged at the 23, 000-seater stadium.
The main objection to the EU's policy is that it applies to air-miles clocked up outside European airspace.
One frequent objection to always-on Internet access is security -- always-on gives hackers time to break into your computer.
CNN: OPINION: The push is on to deploy high-speed, always-on residential Internet access
Highland Council officers had recommended that the local authority's north planning applications committee raised no objection to the plans.
"I would have no objection to them spending their own dollar, " he says.
To clarify his own objection to Medicare's prose, Judge Lamberth included a footnote.
WSJ: Here's a Funny Idea: Medicare Laws That Are Easy to Read
Another objection to Fairtrade is that certification is predicated on political assumptions about the best way to organise labour.
In 2007, about 1.8 million people registered their objection to road-pricing in a petition on the Downing Street website.
The most practical objection to sex-selective abortion is the long-term effect on society.
The main objection to selling the federal banks is that they are vital for financing the government's social programmes.
However, campaigners opposed to nuclear power have reiterated their objection to the extension.
The John Muir Trust formally lodged its objection to the proposal this week.
That is the nub of the Kenyan objection to resuming the ivory trade.
Cheema said the government had no objection to Bhutto's body being exhumed for an autopsy if the family requested it.
Preseli Penfro Conservative AM Paul Davies voiced his party's objection to the suspension of the scheme within the amended measure.